Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Evangeline Sim

Strong is the new sexy and fitness is the new party. With society leaning towards health and fitness, Yahoo’s #Fitspo of the Week series is dedicated to all inspirational men and women in Singapore leading active lifestyles. Know of any who deserve to be featured? Hit me up on and on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram (cheryltaysg).

Name: Evangeline Sim (IG: @simevangeline)
Age: 30
Height: 1.62m
Weight: 57kg
Occupation: Banker
Status: Engaged
Diet: Generally eats clean on weekdays, sticks to a high protein and low carb diet
Training: Weight training at the gym four times a week on different parts of the body


What kind of sports did you do throughout schooling days?
I did a variety of sports as a child from tennis to badminton to soccer and cycling. I represented the school in Cross Country and Track & Field in secondary school and junior college, and my pet track events were the 800m and 1500m races.

When did you feel the least confident about yourself?
I went overseas for my university education and in my first two quarters, I had gained 10kg due to my poor dietary choices and lack of exercise. The turning point was when my parents could not even recognise me when they came to pick me up from the airport.

How did you overcome it and become more confident?
When I went back to school the next year, I started going to the gym and began working out regularly. During that time, my workouts consisted mainly of cardio exercises on the treadmill or the elliptical machine, combined with some weight training. This helped me to lose some of the weight that I had put on, and I felt healthier and more confident about myself.


What do you like about going to the gym?
I started going to the gym in my second year of university and that continued throughout my education. I returned to Singapore upon graduating and started working. Due to my work commitments, I began neglecting the gym and stopped exercising for the next four years.

It was only two years ago that I decided to make a positive change in my lifestyle habits and re-introduced exercise into my life again. This time, focusing solely on weight training. Lifting weights at the gym gives me a sense of peace and comfort. It is the only place I am able to forget about my problems and free myself from the stress of a hard day at work.

Will you consider taking part in physique competitions?
Yes, it is definitely on my to-do list. It takes a lot of discipline and commitment to achieve the body of a bikini competitor. I admire the combination of intensive training and strict dietary requirements a competitor has to put themselves through. This is definitely a challenge I would like to embark on someday, and see how far I am able to push my body to achieve peak its physical condition.


What are your fitness goals now?
My current fitness goal is to incorporate more cardio into my  exercise regime! I used to be a competitive runner back in school, but I can't seem to bring myself to run anymore. Being fit is not just about muscular strength and how our body looks aesthetically, but endurance and cardiovascular health are key indications of fitness. I have been finding more ways to get myself running again, and I find that running in a group helps to get rid of that inertia!

Are you satisfied with your body now?
I think it is important to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. My body is still a work in progress and like everyone else, I still have insecurities about certain parts of my body. However, I am proud of how my body has changed since I started lifting weights. It shows I am one step closer to my goal and that the hard work and sweat I have put in has paid off.

What kind of comments do you get about your body?
Some people have commented that I am too muscular and they think that girls should not have muscles. But I also get positive comments about my body, and I find it extremely encouraging when friends tell me I am their fitness inspiration and ask for fitness advice. ‎


What are some misconceptions of fitness in today's society?
One of the biggest misconceptions is that exercising can cancel out poor eating habits. Many people think that because they exercise, they are able to eat anything without getting fat. What many people don't realise is that a big part of how their body looks is attributed to the diet. I believe that moderation is key!

While it is important to eat well, we should not be depriving ourselves to the point where we feel miserable. Having that chocolate cake once in a while is okay! Another fitness myth that I always hear is that women are afraid to lift weights because they are afraid of getting bulky. Women only have a small fraction of testosterone compared to men and it is definitely not easy to gain muscle mass.

Why should people make an effort to lead an active lifestyle?
Being physically active is very important, especially in Singapore where we lead such hectic lives. Exercising helps to boost energy levels such that we are able to get more work done and is integral to our mental health as it helps to relieve stress . Most importantly, being fit helps keep diseases at bay and increases your self-esteem, making you feel better about yourself.

I believe fitness is a lifestyle and not a destination. Incorporating fitness into your everyday life can be as simple as taking the stairs or cutting down on fast food. Start by making achievable fitness goals and try not to take anyone as a benchmark because every body is made differently. Most of all, embrace the change and enjoy the journey!