Simba Hybrid Pillow review: Is an adjustable pillow the answer to neck pain?

simba hybrid pillow reviews
Simba Hybrid Pillow reviewSimba

A pillow is an important purchase, especially for those of us with persistent neck aches and pains.

Simba’s Hybrid Pillow offers an interesting solution, using Nanocube® technology to allow you to adjust the height and softness to your preferences – but does it work? As someone who suffers from neck pain, I was keen to find out.

Here's my review after testing the Simba Hybrid Pillow for a year.

How is the Simba Hybrid Pillow different?

First things first, this pillow isn’t memory foam; it’s full of small foam cubes (Nanocubes®) that can be added or removed, providing adjustable support.

And as there isn’t one piece of material inside (like memory foam, for example), the cubes also allow breathability and airflow, which in turn makes for a more comfortable night’s sleep.

Much like Simba's popular hybrid mattress, the pillow is made up of layers, including a cooling cotton cover and a breathable mesh border for improved circulation, so not only is it designed for adjustable firmness and height but breathability and temperature regulation, too.

Simba Hybrid Pillow review

Primarily a side sleeper, I’ve been using the Simba hybrid pillow for a year now. I’ve slept on it through all seasons, with many different types of bedding, in the hopes that it would help my chronic neck pain and headaches.

Simba Hybrid Pillow review: is it comfortable?

My favourite thing about the Simba hybrid pillow is its cooling cover. If you’re a lover of the cool side of the pillow (who isn’t?), this is a great pick – even in the summer. I still enjoy this after a year of use, and very rarely flip it over for a fresher feel.

The ‘cool-touch tech’ makes the pillow feel less dense than others I’ve tried and allows for breathability. It feels robust too (it's not a lightweight option) and the inner cushioning is malleable.

When it comes to the Nanocubes®, I prefer to keep them all inside my pillow, but they can be removed and kept in the bag that’s provided for safekeeping, which is a thoughtful touch – it keeps them all together and protects them from dust.

The big question though is did it help ease my neck pain? Although a little firmer than you might expect at first, the Simba Hybrid Pillow does provide support that other, softer pillows simply don’t.

I was relieved to find that my neck and headaches improved quite quickly once I switched to the Simba Hybrid Pillow, and only really return in periods of stress (it’s good, but it can’t work miracles).

It’s worth noting that the pillow does also work particularly well with the Simba Hybrid Mattress – I found the proportions to be just right – but it does need a little adjustment with other types of softer mattresses.

Simba Hybrid Pillow review: is it suitable for people with allergies?

The cubes inside the pillow are CertiPUR® certified, which means the foam is made without the use of harmful chemicals, toxins, mercury or lead. This makes the pillow a great option for those with allergies.

Plus, the breathable cubes are more suitable for those who don’t like or can’t sleep on memory foam, and the hypoallergenic cover is easy to remove and wash (just don’t put the cubes in the washing machine).

Simba Hybrid Pillow review: the verdict

I’ve been impressed with Simba’s Hybrid Pillow over the past year, and have no intention of changing it. So if you experience frequent neck pain, this pillow is worth a try.

If you’re looking for something ultra-plush, plump and soft – like a hotel pillow – this isn’t for you. Simba is all about using sleep tech to offer a more supportive night's sleep.

It’s worth noting that the mesh border and blue branding around the edge of the pillow can show through some thinner pillowcases, so you’ll want to opt for thicker fabrics and higher thread counts if you like white bedding.


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