How to Shop for a Sagittarius

This fun fire sign is bringing much-needed good vibes to our lives and shopping carts.

Happy Sag season, y'all! After a tumultuous few weeks of eclipses and a sneaky Scorpio season, the long-awaited ~good vibes~ are finally in order. The planets have swiftly shifted from the somber, emotional water sign into the fun and free fire sign Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21), putting the collective into more uplifting spirits just in time for the holidays.

If you need a sign to: send those risky texts, wipe those tears, leave your room, splurge on those woven Bottega Veneta boots you've been eyeing since last year... This is it.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, a planet of abundance, luck, expansion and optimism, which is why (for the most part) a Sag will always have their best foot forward and a cheeky smile on their face.

The New Moon in Sagittarius early last week was one of the luckiest days of the year for manifesting and setting intentions post-Eclipse. The moon in Sagittarius aligned with the two benefics in astrology — a.k.a. the luckiest planets in the sky, Venus and Jupiter. It made a trine (i.e. harmonious aspect) to Jupiter, the planet of abundance, and joined Venus in Sagittarius, the planet of love and beauty. If you have a project you've been wanting to bring to life or been wanting to move somewhere new, harness the revitalizing energy of the next two weeks to make those plans.

After moving in retrograde since July 28, Jupiter — in its home sign, Pisces — is now stationed directly. Jupiter rules over freedom, expansion and visions beyond our wildest dreams; to be in retrograde is to have limitations and restrictions — a big fear for Jupiter. The direct motion of Jupiter should clear away limiting beliefs surrounding faith in the house that you have Pisces in and usher in some much-needed abundance for the next month, before it moves into Aries right before the New Year.

Now for what you're actually here for: the fashion stuff! First, let's do a roll call of my favorite Sagittariuses in fashion, which include Gianni Versace, Thierry Mugler and (I'm getting teary-eyed writing this one following his recent departure from Gucci) Alessandro Michele — or what I like to call, The Holy Trinity of Maximalist Fashion™. Always over the top, these fashion designers have never been afraid to think outside the box and bring their larger-than-life Sagittarian fantasies to the runway.

In honor of Sag season, I've compiled a gift guide for everybody's favorite comedians. Being the fab fashion writer/astrologer/detail-oriented Virgo I am (the credentials are obviously there), I've curated the list so every item has some kind of astrological, Sagittarian connection to it. Enjoy!

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