'Shook', 'turnt', 'func': 31 millennial slang words decoded

word slang made of colorful letters on white background
word slang made of colorful letters on white background

We’ve all experienced teen years where we were too cool for everyone and everything! Just like babies have their own lingo, increasingly, so do teens. Now, this is an ever-changing and evolving language that helps a teen connect with his peers, feel liberated and independent. In a way, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say it makes him/her feel like an adult; having their own currency in language as it were!

For parents, it’s important to keep up with teen-speak, to understand what they’re talking about and also connect with them so that either doesn’t feel alienated. Many teens may cringe when older folk or their parents speak their ’sic’ lingo, but hey, there’s no harm in a bit of fun every now and then. Parents are had-been teens and they have a right to know and use terms that are new!

So let’s get into it; here are some teen words that may be new to some of you and familiar to those who have teens at home, in the family or work with teens at school and college:

flat lay holiday greeting message for valentine - bae
flat lay holiday greeting message for valentine - bae

Related to parties:

Dayger - a day time party

Func - a party

Kick back - small party

Rager - a huge party

Sloshed - really drunk

Throw down - to host a party

Turnt - to be high or drunk

Related to relationships or people:

BAE - before anyone else

Shook - to be extremely shaken, shocked

Tool - someone who is rude, embarrassing to themselves or downright obnoxious

Basic - boring or average

BFF - best friends forever

Fam - a group of friends

Flex - to show off

Sus - to be suspicious of someone or something

No cap - Totally true or no lie

Throw shade - to give someone a nasty look

Noob - A person who is inexperienced or bad at something, basically a newbie

Tight - in a close relationship

Ship - One may ‘ship’ people together, implying that they should be a couple

Word expression for hangry with many food illustration
Word expression for hangry with many food illustration

Compound slangs:

Crashy - someone who is both crazy and trashy

Hangry - hungry and angry

Tope - Tight and dope

Crunk - the worst type; getting high and drunk at the same time

YOLO - You Live Only Once - hand drawn doodle lettering
YOLO - You Live Only Once - hand drawn doodle lettering

Other everyday terms:

Salty - bitter or angry

Dope - cool

Lit - exciting, amazing

Thirsty - trying hard to get attention

YOLO - you only live once

TBH - to be honest