Shawn Levy Leaves Room for Taylor Swift ‘Deadpool 3’ Role: ‘I Love the Proliferation of Casting Rumors’ (Video)

Is Taylor Swift, whose “Eras” concert movie just set the box office on fire, going to be in “Deadpool 3”? Producer Shawn Levy playfully ducked the question during an appearance on SiriusXM’s “The Jess Cagle Show.”

Levy remarked, “Oh my god, Jess. You really just went there,” when Cagle asked him directly, “What does Taylor Swift play in ‘Deadpool 3?'”

The producer understandably did not give a straight answer: “It pains me to be coy with you, Jess, given that we’ve known each other for over a decade.”

Levy, who is promoting his upcoming Netflix series “All the Light We Cannot See,” added, “I love the proliferation of casting rumors on the internet because I never have to say what’s real and what’s fantasy, so I’m just gonna go with the very cliché ‘no comment’ on all things casting in ‘Deadpool 3.'”

“Well, is there a better chance of Steve Martin appearing in ‘Deadpool 3’ or Taylor Swift?” asked co-host Julia Cunningham.

“Now that movie I definitely want to see,” quipped Levy. The closest he came to answering the question was to say, “I will say we’re lucky on this one… a lot of the internet rumors are completely false, but some of them aren’t.”

Cagle noted that Levy did not specifically deny the rumors that the singer/songwriter is in the movie: “By the way, now you’re just giving us hope. You’re dangling carrots.”

On Monday, Levy told TheWrap that he “wish he knew” whether the third film in the snarky superhero franchise would be released as scheduled on May 2024.

“I wish I knew. I don’t even know if we officially have [a release date]. I know we were gonna be May 3,” Levy said of the sequel, which stars Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

“Certainly, the actors’ strike and the long pause in production have put that release date in true risk. We’ve shot half the movie. I’ve edited half the movie. We’re dying to get back to work and get this movie out next year.”

Watch video of the SiriusXM segment at the top of this post.

The post Shawn Levy Leaves Room for Taylor Swift ‘Deadpool 3’ Role: ‘I Love the Proliferation of Casting Rumors’ (Video) appeared first on TheWrap.