Spotify Told Everyone They Belong In Three Random Cities, And People Have A Lot Of Feelings About It

Happy Spotify Wrapped Day to all who celebrate!

older woman sitting on a couch and holding up a pride flag
Ajr_images / Getty Images

This year, Spotify rolled out a feature called "Sound Towns" which tells you what city aligns most with your music taste.

spotify graphics showing the world

It seems like three cities are the most popular.

aerial view of a town with mountains behind it
Dutcheraerials / Getty Images

The first place is Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Spotify/ Twitter: @Blitheringmikey

This seems to be like District 1 for gay people.

Spotify/Twitter: @folklorewlw

The second is Berkeley, California.

Spotify/Twitter: @taurusapoiogist

Also very gay.

Spotify/Twitter: @warpingwood

And last but not least, the one I've been seeing the most is Burlington, Vermont.

Spotify/Twitter: @loveistobeknown

Which, like, ok, come on, that's random...

Spotify/Twitter: @roryisconfused

As someone not in the Big Three, I have to feels lonely in Provo!!

woman sulking at a table marked provo, utah with two people marked burlington and cambridge high-five in the background
Guillermo Spelucin / Getty Images

And that seems to be the sentiment!

This person got stuck in Eugene.

Spotify/Twitter: @layoama

This person wondered why they were put in College Station.

Spotify/Lifetime/Twitter: @sophieschroeds

And this person felt banished in Madison.

Spotify/Twitter: @audreylvieira

My entire timeline is full of jokes about Cambridge, Berkeley, and Burlington, so because I think they're pretty funny, here are some of my favorites...

Twitter: @brokebackstan

Twitter: @swainsch

Twitter: @ali_sivi

Twitter: @alex_abads

Twitter: @peterczyy

Spotify/Twitter: @famefudger

Twitter: @smysko

Twitter: @williamvhand_

Twitter: @jenna_leahy

Twitter: @emhstnd

Spotify/Twitter: @michaelaidan

Spotify/Twitter: @lofitidepod

Spotify/Twitter: @jedwardmariano

And lastly...

Nickelodeon/ Twitter: @jennyypierre