Selena Gomez Says She Might Not Be Able To Carry Children Due To Bipolar Medication

selena gomez carrying children bipolar medication
Selena Gomez Talks Motherhood And BipolarGetty Images

It's been two years since Selena Gomez was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a mental health condition that causes extreme moods, with typical side effects including depression, feeling low and sluggish, and episodes of mania, according to the official NHS website.

And now, in a recent interview with Rolling Stones, the actor-cum-singer has shared that as a result of the bipolar medication she has been prescribed, she might not be able to carry children.

During the interview the star recalled visiting a friend with the same condition, who was trying to get pregnant but was told that the medication she was taking for the disorder might hamper her ability to carry children.

selena gomez carrying children bipolar disorder medication
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According to the NHS, getting pregnant while on bipolar disorder medication can be a particularly vulnerable time due to the high risk of relapse during pregnancy and after giving birth. Those living with bipolar who want to get pregnant are advised not to alter their medication or treatment plan without speaking to a doctor or psychiatrist first.

The service also states that expectant mothers with the disorder also face a high risk of experiencing an episode or developing Postpartum Psychosis after giving birth, so it's advised that they should be monitored closely and treated quickly for early symptoms.

'That’s a very big, big, present thing in my life,' Gomez said of the possibility that she too might be unable to experience this aspect of motherhood.

The Wondermind co-founder alluded to her desire to become a mother, noting: 'However I’m meant to have [children], I will'.

She explained that she has tried to make her bipolar a 'friend', as she learns to live with the condition.

Elsewhere in the interview, Gomez confessed to a life goal she had in mind that hasn't yet worked out as hoped. The 'Calm Down' singer, who turned 30 in July 2022, said: 'I thought I would be married by now.'

Despite having not yet walked down the aisle, she admitted to having thrown herself her own 'beautiful' wedding-inspired birthday, with guests including Miley Cyrus, Gomez’s little sister Gracie, Camila Cabello, Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo.

Close friend Francia Raisa, who previously donated a kidney to Gomez as a result of her lupus condition, was also in attendance.

Gomez is now focused on creating a fresh a start for herself, and in her newly-released documentary My Mind & Me, she shows her gratitude for life, noting to camera: 'I'm grateful to be alive.'

'My mind and me, we don't get along sometimes. And it gets hard to breathe, but I wouldn't change my life.'

Find out more information about bipolar disorder, its effects, symptoms, and treatment on the NHS website here.

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