See the Seating Chart for the British Royal Family at the Queen's Funeral

The entire Windsor family, with the exception of the youngest members, were in attendance at Westminster Abbey this morning for Queen Elizabeth's funeral.

Here, a guide to who sat next to who:


First row

1. King Charles: the new British monarch

2. Camilla, Queen Consort: The new Queen.

3. Princess Anne: The Queen's only daughter.

4. Sir Timothy Laurence: Sir Timothy Laurence is Princess Anne's husband.

5. Prince Andrew: Prince Andrew is the British monarch's third child.

6. Prince Edward: Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex is the Queen's youngest son.

7. Sophie, Countess of Wessex: Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, is married to Prince Edward.

Second row

15. Prince Harry: Prince Harry is, of course, King Charles's son.

16. Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex: Meghan Markle is Prince Harry's wife.

17. Princess Beatrice: Prince Andrew's eldest daughter.

18. Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi: Princess Beatrice's husband.

19. Lady Louise Windsor: Edward and Sophie's daughter is Queen Elizabeth's youngest granddaughter.

20. James, Viscount Severn: Edward and Sophie's son is Queen Elizabeth's youngest grandchild.


First row

8. Prince William: One of the most recognizable members of the royal family, Prince William is King Charles's son and the heir apparent to the throne.

9. Prince George: Prince George is Prince William's eldest, and second in line to the thone.

10. Catherine, Princess of Wales: Kate Middleton is Prince William's wife.

11. Princess Charlotte: Princess Charlotte is third in the line of succession.

12. Peter Phillips: Princess Anne's son is Queen's eldest grandchild.

13. Zara Tindall: Princess Anne's daughter.

14: Mike Tindall: Zara Tindall's husband.

Second row

21. Jack Brooksbank: Princess Eugenie's husband.

22. Princess Eugenie: Princess Eugenie is the daughter of Prince Andrew.

23. Sarah, Duchess of York: Sarah Ferguson is Prince Andrew's ex-wife.

24. David Armstrong-Jones, 2nd Earl of Snowdon: Princess Margaret's son and Queen Elizabeth's nephew.

25. Charles Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley: David's son and Princess Margaret's grandson.

26. Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones: David's daughter and Princess Margaret's granddaughter.


Third row

27. Samuel Chatto: The son of Lady Sarah Chatto and grandson of Princess Margaret.

28. Arthur Chatto: The other son of Lady Sarah and grandson of Princess Margaret.

29. Lady Sarah Chatto: Princess Margaret's daughter, and Queen Elizabeth's niece.

30. Daniel Chatto: Lady Sarah Chatto's husband.

31. Birgette, Duchess of Gloucester: The wife of Prince Richard, the Duke of Gloucester.

32. Prince Richard, the Duke of Gloucester: The Duke of Gloucester is the son of Prince Henry, who was the third son of King George V and Queen Mary. He is a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth.

Fourth row

39. Alexander Windsor, Earl of Ulster: The son of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester.

40. Claire Windsor, Countess of Ulster: Alexander Windsor's wife.

41. Xan Windsor: The son of the Earl and Countess of Ulster.

42. Cosima Windsor: The daughter of the Earl and Countess of Ulster.

43. Lady Davina Lewis: The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester's daughter.

44. Senna Kowhai Lewis: Lady Davina's daughter.

Fifth row

50. George Gilman: Lady Rose Gilman's husband.

51. Lyla Beatrix Christabel Gilman: Rose and George's daughter.

52. Lady Rose Gilman: Another daughter of the Duke of Gloucester.

53. Lady Frederick Windsor: Freddy's wife, an actress who is also known as Sophie Winkleman, is the daughter-in-law of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.

54. Lord Frederick Windsor: Frederick Windsor, sometimes known as "Freddy," is the son of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.

55: Princess Michael of Kent: Princess Michael of Kent, whose given name is Marie Christine, is married to Prince Michael of Kent.

56. Prince Michael of Kent: Prince Michael of Kent is the son Prince George, who was the fourth of son of King George V and Queen Mary. He is also a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth.

Sixth row

62. Thomas Kingston: Thomas Kingston is the husband of Lady Gabriella.

63. Lady Gabriella Windsor: Known to friends as "Ella," Lady Gabriella is the daughter of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.


Third row

33. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent: The Queen's first cousin, the son of Prince George (the fourth son of King George V and Queen Mary) and Princess Marina.

34. George Windsor, the Earl of St. Andrews: George Windsor, the Earl of St. Andrews, is the son of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, and Katharine, the Duchess of Kent.

35. Sylvana Palma Windsor, Countess of St. Andrews: Sylvana Palma Windsor is the wife of George Windsor.

36. Edward Windsor, Lord Downpatrick: The son of George and Sylvana Windsor, and the grandson of the Duke of Kent.

37. Lady Marina Windsor: The daughter of George and Sylvana Windsor, and the granddaughter of the Duke of Kent.

38. Lady Amelia Windsor: The other daughter of George and Sylvana Windsor, and the granddaughter of the Duke of Kent.

Fourth row

45. Lady Helen Taylor: Lady Helen is the daughter of the Duke of Kent and Katharine, the Duchess of Kent.

46. Tim Taylor: Tim Taylor is the husband of Lady Helen Taylor, the daughter of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, and Katharine, the Duchess of Kent.

47. Eloise Taylor: the daughter of Lady Helen and Tim Taylor.

48. Estella Taylor: the daughter of Lady Helen and Tim Taylor.

49. Columbus Taylor: son of Lady Helen Taylor. To his right, cut off slightly, is Cassius Taylor.

Fifth row

57. Has yet to be identified.

58. Lord Nicholas Windsor: The son of the Duke and Duchess of Kent.

59. Albert Windsor: The son of Lord and Lady Nicholas Windsor, and the grandson of the Duke of Kent.

60. Leopold Windsor: Another son of Lord and Lady Nicholas Windsor, and the grandson of the Duke of Kent.

61. Lady Nicholas Windsor: born Countess Paola Doimi di Delupis, the wife of Lord Nicholas Windsor.

Sixth row

64. Princess Alexandra: Queen Elizabeth's first cousin and the daughter of Prince George and Princess Marina

65. James Ogilvy: James Ogilvy is the son of Sir Angus Ogilvy and the Queen's cousin, Princess Alexandra of Kent.

66. Julia Ogilvy: Julia is James Ogilvy's wife.

67. Alexander Ogilvy: Alexander Ogilvy is the son of James Ogilvy, and the grandson of the Queen's cousin, Princess Alexandra of Kent.

68: Flora Vesterberg: Flora is the daughter of James and Julia Ogilvy and the granddaughter of the Queen's cousin Princess Alexandra.

Not pictured: Marina Ogilvy, Princess Alexandra's daughter, and her children Christian Mowatt and Zenouska Mowatt.

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