The Secret History of Jackie Kennedy, the Mona Lisa, and the French Ambassador's Wife

unveiling of mona lisa in washington
Mona Lisa in Washingtonpicture alliance - Getty Images

Two of history’s most visible women have at least one thing in common: staying power. Nearly three decades after her death, Jackie Kennedy is an inescapable Instagram mainstay, and the Mona Lisa recently had a starring role in the hit Knives Out sequel, Glass Onion. Nicole Alphand hasn’t been so lucky—until now.

When the Mona Lisa made its U.S. debut 60 years ago—first hanging at the National Gallery of Art and then at the Metropolitan Museum—the loan from the ­Louvre dazzled nearly 2 million visitors and was considered nothing short of a diplomatic triumph. “In the American capital, the Mona Lisa will be the artistic attraction of all time,” British Pathé reported at the time. What was less obvious was the international effort it took to make the loan happen—and the woman who worked in the shadow of a first lady to ensure that it did.

mona lisa by leonardo da vinci
French ambassador Hervé Alphand, Jackie Kennedy, and Nicole Alphand at the opening of the National Gallery of Art’s Mona Lisa exhibition in Washington, DC, in 1963.Alamy

While it’s acknowledged that the Louvre’s loan of Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece was arranged by Jacqueline Kennedy and the French minister of cultural affairs, André Malraux, what is less well known is that there was a third person delicately choreographing the cultural exchange from the start—one whose joie de vivre could have persuaded even La Gioconda to crack a grin.

In 1959, just a year after her arrival in DC, Life magazine reported that “one of the smoothest, swiftest stormings of the Washington social citadel has been successfully brought off by a beautiful French woman, Madame Hervé Alphand, wife of the French ambassador to the U.S.” Coming from Paris, Nicole Alphand became the preeminent hostess on Embassy Row, and an invitation to 2221 Kalorama Road NW became one of the most coveted in town. From dinners with government decision makers to a 120-look Dior fashion show, Alphand made the most of her entertainment allowance while never losing sight of each event’s purpose.

alphand kennedy at national gallery of art
Jackie Kennedy and Nicole Alphand, whose work to bring the Mona Lisa to the United States has often been overshadowed. Consolidated News Pictures - Getty Images

And so it was Alphand who, in 1961, played matchmaker between Kennedy and Malraux—an introduction loosely chronicled in Margaret Leslie Davis’s 2018 book Mona Lisa in Camelot. What Davis didn’t explore was Alphand’s influence with Malraux and her insistence that the loan would be a public relations coup for France. “In Paris, my mother had dinner with Malraux, and they were talking about what France could do in America that would make a lot of publicity, and they discussed the Mona Lisa,” says ­Prisca Leonelli, Alphand’s daughter. “So when she returned to Washington and told Jackie about it, Jackie said, ‘We have to ask him to do everything to make it happen.’ ”

In May 1962, a year after his first encounter with Jackie in Paris, Malraux—a longtime friend of the Alphands—and his wife Madeleine made an official visit to DC, where Alphand and the first lady took the opportunity to woo him. “Malraux adored my mother, but [what made the loan happen was] the relationship with the museum,” Leonelli says. “If it was just Jackie or Nicole, the ­Louvre would have never given anything.” By the end of the trip a promise had been made—one that would require overcoming logistical challenges of international proportions, including a roundtrip ocean voyage and the construction of a ­temperature-controlled, fireproof, and buoyant trunk.

It could be argued that Alphand’s relationship with Kennedy helped craft the cultural image of Camelot that endures to this day. Hamish Bowles once wrote about how Jackie wore a Givenchy gown to a state dinner at Versailles in June 1961, adding that Alphand, “a great ambassador herself for French style, had helped the first lady orchestrate this coup.”

But the relationship between the women wasn’t simply transactional. “There was a real friendship between them,” Leonelli says. “It was because of the force of those two women that DC became a place for great culture. And naturally the Mona Lisa linked Malraux, Jackie, and my mother even more, because they fought so hard for her.”

When Alphand died at 61 in February 1979, her modest obituary in the New York Times credited her with having been “one of Washington’s most successful hostesses,” but her connection to the famous painting was by then ancient history. Adept in the art of international diplomacy, she once offered this observation: “When you feel you are representing your country and that people like you and enjoy what you are doing, then you are twice as happy—first for your country, and then for yourself.”

This story appears in the March 2023 issue of Town & Country. SUBSCRIBE NOW

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