Sarawakian girls left vomiting & hyperventilating after mistaking maggots in corn dogs for rice

Festivals are a time of joy and celebration, and that’s what Nor Fazilah and her sisters probably thought when they attended Sarawak’s first Gedong Fest in 4 years. Instead of a day filled with fun and laughter, 2 of the girls were met with food poisoning after ingesting corn dogs filled with maggots.

Corn dog filled with maggots

From 28 to 30 Jul 2023, Gedong was finally able to host their annual festival since the pandemic hit. The aim of this fest was to promote the district and to further encourage and celebrate the sense of community among Sarawakians despite differences in ethnicity and beliefs. 

Nor Fazilah had purchased corn dogs for her younger sisters at the festival, and they were on the way home when the 2 girls had already eaten half of their corn dogs. Soon after, one of them started hyperventilating. The other sibling wasn’t exempt from the effects of spoiled food consumption, as she too began vomiting uncontrollably.

Upon seeing them in pain, Nor Fazilah decided to open up one of the corn dogs. To her shock, she found a terrifying amount of maggots in the snack.

Food stall

As reported by AsiaOne, the Facebook post by Nor Fazilah (that has now been deleted) stated that it included a stomach-churning image of the maggot-filled corn dog. At first glance, one could easily mistake the white, oblong pieces for grains of basmati rice. The worst part is that it wasn’t 1 or 2 maggots that were found. The entire cavity of the corn dog was filled to the brim.

The article also mentioned that the original poster didn’t want to cause any trouble with the stall owner. Instead, all she wanted was to remind those behind the stall to not sell spoiled or expired food. The disturbing image was posted as caution so that business owners remain hygienic and honest in their practices.

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