Sarah Ferguson Says Princess Diana "Never Understood How Brilliant She Was"

Sarah Ferguson Says Princess Diana "Never Understood How Brilliant She Was"

Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, is once again talking about her friendship with the late Princess Diana.

On an episode of her new podcast, Ferguson said Diana "never understood how brilliant she was really, you know, and together we both didn’t. And I used to hug her but she wouldn’t understand." She added, "We loved each other with all our hearts and she made me laugh more than any other single person I’ve ever met in my life."

Ferguson told her "Tea Talks" c0-host Sarah Thomson that "There was nobody like [Diana] in the world because she had that ability to give her entire heart because she didn’t give her entire heart to herself."

The Duchess of York also remembered Princess Diana's work with those suffering from HIV and AIDS, and how she challenged the stigma surrounding patients. "Everyone said, 'No, you mustn’t go and touch them.' She said 'why? I know what it’s like to be ostracised. I know what it’s like to be left in the corner of a room,'" Ferguson said. "And I know that feeling too, when people don’t wish to talk to you because bad Fergie sells papers."

While Fergie and Diana were close, they also had a turbulent relationship. They had a falling out in 1996, and at the time of Diana's death, Fergie shared they "hadn't spoken for years." Yet, she still remembers her former sister-in-law fondly. "I believe that Diana would be so proud of her boys," she told Town & Country, "and she’d be so proud of her grandchildren."

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