Sam Heughan & Caitriona Balfe Share What It Was Like Filming This Week's Explosive Episode of Outlander

sam caitriona
BTS of This Week's Explosive Ep of OutlanderRobert Wilson

The stars of Outlander have been promising an "explosive" seventh season, and the most recent two episodes certainly made good on that guarantee. At the very end of"The Happiest Place on Earth," Wendigo's ill-fated strike of a match causes Claire and Jamie's home on the Ridge to ignite in a fiery blaze—only for the show to cut to black.

But after that cliffhanger, in this week's episode, "Death Be Not Proud," it's revealed that while the house burned to the ground, Jamie and Claire made it out just in time. And indeed, it was actors Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe leaping to escape the flames on screen.

"Quite enjoyed the little run and jump," Heughan, who has played Jamie Fraser for all seven seasons of the series, tells T&C of doing his own stunts.

"They didn't let us do it too many times," Caitriona Balfe, who plays Claire Fraser, adds—noting that over the years, the pair has gotten to do less and less of the more dangerous stunt work. "I think back in season one we used to do a lot more probably because it was a smaller show and they didn't have as much money," she says. "It's always really fun when you get to do something like that, but it's always very well-prepared and planned and very safe."

But while the stunt work may have been fun, it was something of a bittersweet day on set.

"It was sad to see the house go up in flames metaphorically and physically. It's the end of their home and for Jamie and Claire, it really displaces them and begins the next chapter in their lives," Heughan says.

The fire was also a logistical feat for the crew. "We wanted it to be pretty spectacular," explains Executive Producer Maril Davis. "We needed to wait to film that until we were sure we didn't need anything else, because that house wasn't coming back. And also we were losing that location. So logistically it was like, 'Okay, do we have everything we need?' And then we're going to do it. And it was a combination of practical and visual effects."

"But it was really sad," she continues. "That house has been with us for a while and it's kind of a symbol of home and peace for the Frasers. And it was sad to see it burn to the ground. But I have to say I marvel at the artistic abilities of our art department because the aftermath of that fire is incredible."

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