Russell Brand: Police confirm fresh report of sexual assault has been filed

russell brand poses in a red top against a turquoise background at an event for his book launch
Police confirm new claim against Russell BrandJohn Lamparski - Getty Images

TW: Sexual assault

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson has confirmed a fresh report accusing Russell Brand of sexual assault has been filed – meaning a formal investigation could soon be about to take place. Brand has strongly denied all allegations made against him.

This new report seems to centre on a new claim that is not featured in the recent Dispatches documentary, in which multiple women accused Brand of wrongdoing, and is alleged to have taken place in Soho in 2003. Claims featured in the Dispatches documentary, made in partnership with the Sunday Times, range from 2006 to 2013.

Brand, who is a father of two and is currently expecting a third child, with his wife, author Laura Gallacher, has strenuously denied the accusations of sexual assault and posted a video to his YouTube channel about them (ahead of the documentary airing, which sees him accused of raping one woman and assaulting a 16-year-old girl). In his video, Brand suggests the allegations have been made because he is a threat to the mainstream media.

Brand also chose to describe his past as "promiscuous" saying the "serious criminal charges... pertain to the time when I was working in the mainstream, when... I was very, very promiscuous."

russell brand appears on a talk show in 2014
Russell Brand appears on a talk show in 2014Bravo - Getty Images

As per an article in The Guardian, a police spokesperson confirmed that while a report has been made, no investigation has launched as yet.

A short statement issued to the press said: "We are aware of reporting by the Sunday Times and Channel 4's Dispatches about allegations of sexual offences.

"On Sunday 17 September, the Met received a report of a sexual assault, which was alleged to have taken place in Soho in central London in 2003. Officers are in contact with the woman and will be providing her with support.

"We first spoke with the Sunday Times on Saturday 16 September and have since made further approaches to the Sunday Times and Channel 4 to ensure that anyone who believes they have been the victim of a sexual offence is aware of how to report this to the police.

"We continue to encourage anyone who believes they may have been a victim of a sexual offence, no matter how long ago it was, to contact us."

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