Rumah Moq: Hidden dinner spot in JB with decent chicken chop & cheese burger from RM5

I’m always on the lookout for affordable dining options to make sure I don’t strain my pocket. So when I came across this restaurant online, I knew I had to give it a try. Tucked away at the side of the bustling road at Taman Daya, sits Rumah Moq.

Rumah Moq - Store front
Rumah Moq - Store front

The establishment wasn’t too far away from me. In just a brisk 7-minute drive, I found myself at the doorstep of Rumah Moq, a Malay-owned roadside stall that sells Western cuisine. One of its signatures is the RM5 chicken chop.

Rumah Moq - Seats
Rumah Moq - Seats

There’s an open-air car park outside the stall. The ambience exudes a sense of relaxation, with some camping and plastic chairs placed in the front. There were a few tables of patrons when I arrived at the shop; most of them seemed to be just off from work.

Rumah Moq - The stall
Rumah Moq - The stall

The stall is situated within the establishment called Gerai Muafakat MBJB, so its signage wasn’t very conspicuous from the car park. You’ll need to enter the establishment to locate this stall.

What I tried at Rumah Moq

Rumah Moq - Chicken chop
Rumah Moq - Chicken chop

The first thing I went for was the viral Chicken Chop that only cost me RM5. It came with a black pepper sauce, coleslaw and fries.

This dish became an online viral sensation for some time, which led me to believe that its appealing portion size at a reasonable price was the key factor driving its popularity. However, I was shocked when the dish was served to me. The chicken chop was around the size of my palm, which was way off from what I had anticipated. But when you consider the price, what more could you really expect, right?

Rumah Moq - Chicken chop with black pepper sauce
Rumah Moq - Chicken chop with black pepper sauce

Other than the portion size, the dish was visually appetising. The chop was made up of chicken breast, but it was not too dry. The breaded layer was also delightfully crispy, adding a satisfying crunch to each bite. 

The black pepper sauce had a sweeter flavour profile which elevated the taste of the chicken chop— they complemented each other very well. However, the fries weren’t to my liking, as I prefer mine to be thinner and more fried.

Rumah Moq - Moq Crispy Cheese Tarik burger
Rumah Moq - Moq Crispy Cheese Tarik burger

Next, I ordered Moq Crispy Cheese Tarik (RM10) as the staff said this was also a popular dish. The accompanying side dish was straightforward— fries. I could see a decent piece of chicken chop, sliced cheese, lettuce, tomato and a generous amount of cheese sauce between the buns when the dish was served.

Rumah Moq - Moq Crispy Cheese Tarik burger
Rumah Moq - Moq Crispy Cheese Tarik burger

With the dish name, I was expecting some amount of cheese pull in the burger (tarik means pull in Malay). Much to my surprise, it turned out to be a rather ordinary cheeseburger. 

Apart from this, everything else was enjoyable. The sauce added moisture to the fried chicken, preventing it from becoming too dry, while the lettuce and tomato provided a refreshing contrast. I noticed that the bun had a light fry, adding to its slightly crispy texture. The only downside of the burger was that it tended to get a bit messy when eaten.

Final thoughts

Rumah Moq - Prices of chicken chop and fish & chip with some other notices
Rumah Moq - Prices of chicken chop and fish & chip with some other notices

Undeniably, the prices here are pretty attractive. I don’t usually get to eat Western cuisine for this much. If you’re planning to pay a visit, be aware that parking may be a bit challenging  due to limited space.

Even though the food didn’t amaze me that much, I’m still tempted to bring my friends and family here. The ambience was nice, and the food wasn’t too bad. It’s a pleasant spot for relaxation and catching up with loved ones.

Expected damage: RM5 – RM15 per pax

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