Ruby Lin prays for Jimmy Lin's recovery

28 Jul – Ruby Lin recently expressed her concern over fellow actor Jimmy Lin, who is currently hospitalised following a car accident.

As reported on Epoch Times, the Taiwanese actress-producer, who appeared at the launch of a beverage event in Taipei recently, stated that she was astonished upon hearing about the incident.

"It is very sad. I hope he will slowly recover and I hope everyone will give him some space," she said.

Ruby, who have worked with Jimmy in the movie, "School Days" more than 20 years ago, added, "Jimmy is a very lucky person. God will bless him."

Asked if she had contacted Jimmy or his family to send her thoughts and prayers, the actress said she hasn't done so.

"It is not convenient for me to bother him right now, but I am concerned," she said, adding that Jimmy and her husband Wallace Huo are friends.

On the other hand, when asked about her own upcoming projects, Ruby said that she is preparing for her new acting project "A Lifetime".

Ruby and Jimmy worked together in 'School Days'
Ruby and Jimmy worked together in 'School Days'

(Photo Source: Ruby Lin Instagram, SOHU)