The Royals Followed Strict Protocol by Sitting Exactly 45 Centimeters Apart at a State Banquet Last Night

the president of the republic of south africa visits the united kingdom  day 1
The Royals Followed Strict Protocol at a Dinner LNMax Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

Kate Middleton and Prince William joined the rest of the royal family for a super-fancy banquet in honor of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa—the first state dinner hosted by the royals in several years and the first of King Charles’s reign. So, yes, it was a huge deal and the royals pulled out alllll the stops.

On top of everyone showing up to the event in their sparkliest tiaras and sashes, the royals adhered to strict protocol during dinner itself. According to The Express, this involved everyone sitting exactly 45 centimeters apart.

the president of the republic of south africa visits the united kingdom day 1
Pool - Getty Images

And that’s honestly just one of the very specific rules for this important dinner—which, btw, took more than a year to plan. Other details? Guests were seated at a “horseshoe-shaped” table in Buckingham Palace’s ballroom, which was laid with silver cutlery belonging to King George IV. Meanwhile, all of the attendees had six glasses each (for water, red wine, white wine, champagne, port, and dessert wine), and everyone dined on stuffed Windsor pheasant and grilled brill with wild mushrooms. Dessert, you ask? A beautiful confection modeled on South Africa’s gorgeous national flower, the protea.

Oh, and King Charles and Queen Camilla personally inspected the table setting ahead of getting dressed for dinner.

Anyway, time to go sit 45 2 centimeters away from my family during Thanksgiving.

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