Rosamund Kwan shares why she cherishes Andy Lau

5 Jun - Although she has worked with many male leads during her time as an actress, Rosamund Kwan recently revealed that she cherishes the experience of working with Andy Lau the most.

As reported on Mingpao, the former screen siren who sat down for an interview recently, shared that she had the most collaborations with the Hong Kong superstar throughout her acting career, saying, "He is like family to me. I would feel most at ease when Andy's there."

However, having worked with Andy in a lot of movies is not the only reason why she has a special place in her heart for the actor.

Rosamund recalled the year when the two of them starred in "Saviour of the Soul II" back in 1992, saying that it was the most memorable collaboration because of something that Andy did for her.

The actress said that they were shooting on a snowcapped mountain once. The weather was freezing, she was wearing a very thin costume and had to go barefoot in the snow.

"Andy was behind me, and suddenly he shouted, "Hold it! Don't move!" I immediately stopped. When I looked back at him, he was running towards me, and then picked me up with no hesitation," she said.

Rosamund revealed that because her legs were freezing at the time, she didn't realise that something had cut her ankle while she was walking.

"Andy, who was behind me, saw the bloodstains on my foot, so he picked me up off the ground," she said.

The actress admitted that while she doesn't remember the pain anymore, she would always remember how Andy took care of her.

"Whenever he is around, I would feel safe and protected," she added.

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