Ron Ng rumoured to be dating Janelle Sing

Ron Ng rumoured to be dating Janelle Sing

8 Oct – Ron Ng is involved in yet another dating rumour, this time with his "Marriage In Ten Years" co-star Janelle Sing.

According to HK Channel website, sources claimed that the two of them have been dating for a month while working together on the drama in mainland China.

Similar to Kelly Fu, his "Triumph In The Skies II" co-star who was once rumoured to be his girlfriend, Ron has been very attentive towards Janelle, who is a newcomer in the entertainment industry.

Sources reported, "Ron was not close to any female co-stars except for Janelle. He even made sure that her lunchbox did not contain beef after learning that she doesn't eat beef. He also let her use his personal chair during breaks and did just about everything to make her like him."

It was also alleged that the two kept in touch after he returned to Hong Kong, but because Janelle was concerned that people might think she is using his popularity to promote herself, she asked for their relationship to remain a secret.

Ron Ng has yet to comment about the new rumours.

23-year-old Janelle Sing is a graduate of Beijing Film Academy and a flourishing mainland actress currently signed under Raymond Wong's company, Pegasus Entertainment. She will be seen in the upcoming horror film, "Baby Blues 3D".