Robert Irwin called ‘a child’ by I’m a Celebrity Australia’s co-host Julia Morris

Robert Irwin may have been announced as the new co-host of Australia’s I’m A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! but he’s still a child in the eyes of Julia Morris.

Irwin is a surprising choice for many, given his 35-year age gap with long-time presenter Morris - who has been on the show since 2015.

As the duo discussed the upcoming season in an interview with Channel 10’s The Project, Morris accidentally described 19-year-old Irwin as a “child” before correcting herself.

“Robert is only a whisper older than my eldest child and there are a lot of children around my home... children, wrong word. Young adults,” she said.

The pair then laughed off the comment as Morris added they already have a “tremendous friendship” and respect for each other.