How to get rid of wasps when you're eating outdoors

how to get rid of wasps
How to avoid wasps while eating outsideThomas Barwick - Getty Images

Enjoying a BBQ in the garden or a picnic in the park is a quintessential part of summer. However, if a wasp decides to join the party, a leisurely, sun-soaked lunch can soon turn into a whirlwind of frenzied swiping, jabbing and side-stepping that would look more at home in a boxing ring.

Wasps are a commonly hated insect, but like bees they form an important part of our ecosystems. What's more, without them the world would would be overrun by spiders, according to the Natural History Museum — and who wants that?

That being said, we all want to enjoy our lunch in peace, but there are a lot of myths about the best ways to deter wasps. To get to the bottom of things, we asked Dr Seirian Sumner of University College London for her advice on the most effective ways to deal with wasps when you eat outside.

TRUE: Covering food is the best way to deter wasps

When you're eating al fresco, keep the lid on picnic food instead of laying it out uncovered. If you're eating at a table, cover the food once everyone has been served – this way, wasps are less likely to smell it. Even placing a mesh cloche over food is better than nothing!

Wasps will still be able to detect what's under the covering, but they will eventually give up when they realise they can't get to it.

how to get rid of wasps
Jackyenjoyphotography - Getty Images

FALSE: Wasps are only attracted to sugary food and drinks

Wasps are more likely to go for your lemonade and jam tarts later in the summer. However, early in the summer, they're busy hunting for other insects to feed their carnivorous young. This means they're on the lookout for protein so at this time of year, they're more likely to make a beeline — if you'll pardon the pun — for the charcuterie platter, scotch eggs or meat in your ham sandwich.

Dr Sumner explains: "Towards the end of summer, wasp larvae pupate for about a week before emerging as adults. Once there are no more larvae to feed, the workers in the colony have less to do. This is when they tend to bother us."

Best to get your fix of picnics and lunches on the patio before the end of August, then.

TRUE: Staying still is better than flapping

Flailing your arms and swatting napkins increase the risk both of angering the wasp and upending your glass of rosé – neither of which is desirable. "If you’re staying still, you’re not a threat to the wasp. If you’re flapping about, it’s more likely to sting you," advises Dr Sumner.

Professor James Logan, Head of the Department of Disease Control at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, also warns against getting into a flap: "Stay as still and calm as possible! Cover up your food and drink, or move it indoors. The wasps will move on if there is no food around."

how to get rid of wasps
Catherine Falls Commercial - Getty Images

FALSE: A jammy DIY trap will lure wasps away from your picnic

Firstly, a beer trap is more likely to be effective. Secondly, our wasp expert reckons this is a high-risk strategy.

"Beekeepers lay beer traps near hives to lure wasps away and stop them from raiding the colony," explains Dr Sumner. "It’s possible that putting out a trap like this could lure wasps away but it’s more likely to lure them closer to you."

TRUE: Where one wasp ventures, others follow

Wasps are team players. When one of them finds a food source, it doesn’t keep the discovery to itself – it returns to the nest to tell its friends.

Dr Sumner recommends a clever trick: "The best thing you can do is isolate the first wasp you see. This is the scout and it’s likely to recruit other wasps. Trap it under a cup or a glass and leave it there."

Just don’t forget to release it at the end of your meal. And whatever you do, don’t kill it, not least because dying wasps emit a chemical that will attract others.

how to get rid of wasps
Westend61 - Getty Images

What to do if you've been stung by a wasp

No one wants to be stung, but if it does happen, here are Professor Logan's instructions:

"First, remove the stinger. Scrape the sting sideways with something like a bank card edge or fingernails. Don’t ever pinch it as it will spread the venom further. It can be treated by using a cold compress to reduce the swelling and there are creams and ointments you can buy in a pharmacy which can alleviate the symptoms. The key is to keep the sting clean, washing with warm soapy water. Keep an eye out for infection – if this happens, see a doctor as you may need antibiotics.

"Dial 999 if you have difficulty breathing, a swollen face, mouth or throat, nausea or vomiting, a fast heart rate, dizziness or loss of consciousness, or difficulty swallowing. See your GP or call 111 for small, local reactions."

Common misconceptions

"People tend to think that wasps are intentionally seeking to sting you. But they are doing quite the opposite. They would rather avoid you! They are only interested in your food," says Professor Logan. "If you stay still they will leave you alone. If you fling your arms about they will become agitated and could sting."

Wasps get a lot of bad press compared to their cuter cousins, bees. But while they may not hold the same place in our hearts, they are just as important as they pollinate flowers and play a key role in controlling garden pests such as aphids, caterpillars and flies.

And, incidentally, it’s only honeybees that die nobly in defence of the colony once they’ve stung you. We may be suckers for the rotund, fuzzy cuteness of bumblebees, but they can sting repeatedly – just like a wasp.

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