Richmond Park deer attack leaves woman in hospital

Richmond Park deer attack leaves woman in hospital
Richmond Park deer attack leaves woman in hospital

A woman has told how she thought she was going to die when she was attacked by a rutting deer in Richmond Park on Friday.

Juan Li, a celebrity milliner who has created hats for the likes of Holly Willoughby and Myleene Klass, was left hospitalised after the incident, which occurred in front of other park visitors and tourists.

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Ms Li, from Leytonstone, suffered six puncture wounds and a blood clot on her bladder after being charged by the male deer with large antlers.

Speaking to the Standard, she said: "I thought I was going to die. He attacked me with his antlers. It went into my body. I was mauled on the ground screaming.

"It attacked my stomach where all the major organs and arteries are - I was so scared. All the other tourists standing near by were so scared and running away. There was so much blood."

Richmond Park deer attack leaves woman in hospital
Richmond Park deer attack leaves woman in hospital

Experts are now reminding members of the public to stay at least 50 metres away from wild deer.

The breeding season, between September and November, sees male deer roar and clash antlers in an attempt to impress females over their rivals.

These battles can be very vicious and the animals can be injured or even killed. Although experts say it is unusual for deer to attack people.

According to the Telegraph, Charles Smith-Jones, a technical adviser to the British Deer Society, said: "It is very unusual for a deer to attack a human being.

"Members of the public should remember that the deer in our parks are wild animals and should watch them from the recommended safe distance of 50 metres."

Ms Li could take up to 12 weeks to recover from her wounds and is calling on Richmond Borough Council and the Royal Parks Charity to put up more warning signs.

Adam Curtis, Park Manager for Richmond Park said: "We're very sorry to hear a woman has been injured and we hope she makes a speedy recovery.

"This is a frightening accident, and a powerful warning to others why it is dangerous to crowd deer, especially during the autumn rutting season.

"We've prominent warning signs at key locations asking people to stay at least 50 metres away from deer."