Rich Kopitiam: PapaRich founder opens kopitiam-style restaurant selling Nasi Lemak Ayam Berempah & Korean Rameyon with Chicken Luncheon Meat

The visionary entrepreneur behind the renowned PapaRich franchise, Rich Tan, has opened a new kopitiam-style restaurant — Rich Kopitiam. The new restaurant opened up in One Utama on 3 Jul 2023 without focusing too much on publicity.

Rich Kopitiam - Store front
Rich Kopitiam - Store front

Upon hearing the news, my heart brimmed with nostalgia, and I instantly knew that I had to experience it for myself. PapaRich holds a special place in my heart, as it was an integral part of my childhood. Therefore, the prospect of reliving those cherished flavours and memories in Rich Kopitiam was an irresistible call.

Rich Kopitiam - Interior
Rich Kopitiam - Interior

From a distance, the restaurant was easily distinguishable. The colour and schematics of the new establishment are very similar to the previous one. Situated just outside the old wing of One Utama, the open-air layout of Rich Kopitiam provides a delightful contrast to the bustling chaos within the perpetually crowded mall.

Rich Kopitiam - Drink couner
Rich Kopitiam - Drink couner

What I tried at Rich Kopitiam

I arrived at 11am and there were already a few families and office workers having a bite. Upon looking at the menu, I spotted familiar favourites and new items as well. 

Rich Kopitiam - What I tried
Rich Kopitiam - What I tried
Rich Kopitiam - Nasi lemak curry chicken
Rich Kopitiam - Nasi lemak curry chicken

As someone who loves nasi lemak, I had to try their Nasi Lemak with Curry Chicken (RM17.90). To my surprise, it arrived in less than 10 minutes. The aromatic smell of the rice had my stomach grumbling in anticipation.

The meal featured aromatic rice infused with coconut milk and fragrant pandan leaves, accompanied by sambal, cucumber slices, crispy fried anchovies, and roasted peanuts. Notably, a poached egg replaced the expected hard-boiled one, and a serving of curry chicken completed the dish.

Rich Kopitiam - Nasi lemak action shot
Rich Kopitiam - Nasi lemak action shot

Immediately, I dug into the nasi lemak, savouring the pronounced coconut notes in the rice, a hallmark of a well-prepared nasi lemak. The curry chicken, while decent, didn’t particularly stand out; I felt it could benefit from a more generous serving of curry broth. The sambal, on the other hand, contributed a delightfully spicy kick to the overall flavour profile. While enjoyable, a touch more sweetness would have been appreciated.

Rich Kopitiam - Mee siam
Rich Kopitiam - Mee siam

My dining companion chose a more budget-friendly option — the Fried Mee Siam with Poached Egg (RM10.90). The noodles exhibited the expected mild sourness characteristic of mee siam, but they appeared drier than the typical mee siam, prompting frequent sips of teh ais to cleanse the palate. The noodles were well-cooked, forming satisfying clumps that were easy to chew.

Rich Kopitiam - Mee siam action shot
Rich Kopitiam - Mee siam action shot

The poached egg, while not extremely runny, retained a pleasantly gooey consistency, allowing it to blend somewhat with the mee siam. However, the sambal had an unexpectedly high level of spiciness, reminiscent of sambal belacan

My friend later expressed regret for not ordering the mee siam with curry chicken. As the meal progressed, he finished the egg and cucumbers halfway through, leaving me with just the noodles to enjoy, which made the overall dining experience less satisfying.

Rich Kopitiam - Butter & kaya toast
Rich Kopitiam - Butter & kaya toast

Naturally, we couldn’t resist sampling a kopitiam staple, the Butter and Kaya Toast (RM5.90). I must admit, for a regular piece of toast, it did seem a tad on the expensive side. 

Rich Kopitiam - Toast
Rich Kopitiam - Toast

However, my first bite revealed a delightful crunch, and the harmonious blend of sweet pandan kaya and a generous layer of lightly salted butter. Overall, I’d recommend the butter and kaya toast if you’re in the mood for a light snack, provided the price isn’t a concern. An added bonus was that the toast came conveniently pre-cut.

Rich Kopitiam - Teh ais
Rich Kopitiam - Teh ais

Finally, we decided to give their Teh Ais (RM6.80) a try. Initially, the cost caught me off guard, but when the beverage was served, it brought a pleasant surprise.

Rich Kopitiam - Teh Ais action shot
Rich Kopitiam - Teh Ais action shot

2 glasses were placed on our table, and I was momentarily puzzled as we had only ordered 1 drink. It turned out that at Rich Kopitiam, you get the unique experience of pouring the warm teh tarik into a glass filled with ice on your own. I must admit, it was quite enjoyable watching my friend take on this engaging task.

The quality of the teh ais was impeccable. To my delight, it also included a reusable metal straw. What truly impressed me was the choice of a metal cup, which effectively maintained the drink’s temperature at its coldest, ensuring a refreshing and enjoyable experience. This thoughtful touch of using a metal cup made a noticeable difference in the overall enjoyment of the beverage.

Final thoughts

In general, giving Rich Kopitiam a shot is worthwhile. The food quality surpasses that of its predecessor, PapaRich. The restaurant’s ambience, as a whole, radiates a modern kopitiam vibe, accentuated by the enticing display at the beverage counter.

The restaurant’s pricing leans towards the higher end, which is understandable given its location in One Utama. Without a doubt, I’d make a return visit to explore the rest of their menu and enjoy the hands-on experience of pouring my own teh ais.

Expected damage: RM7 – RM25 per pax

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