Rebel Wilson wants us to date beyond labels - and we're here for it

rebel wilson launches fluid dating app
Rebel Wilson launches app for label-free dating Gilbert Flores - Getty Images

Rebel Wilson is launching a new dating app for finding love beyond labels.

The app, called Fluid, won’t ask you to define your sexuality and is open to everyone.

"You might just be interested in checking out a wider dating pool like I was. It covers a lot of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, but I think even if you're straight you could use the app and have an amazing time,” the Pitch Perfect star told People.

Rebel Wilson revealed in 2022 that she was dating Lulu Lemon founder Ramona Agruma, after spending her life ‘looking for a Disney prince’. “But maybe what I really needed all this time was a Disney Princess,” she posted on Instagram at the time.

Wilson told People that she wishes something like Fluid had been around five years ago; “Something like this would have really helped me and maybe I would have stumbled upon a female's profile and been like, 'OK, maybe I do want to message them.'”

The app shows you a range of people, regardless of gender, and the algorithm learns ‘who you are vibing with’ to show you better matches.

“I know that, to me, it doesn't matter about the gender, it just matters about the person,” the actress said.

Wilson has previously hinted that she was pressured to come out, as an Australian journalist was planning to reveal details of her relationship.

While a lot of outlets reported the Aussie actress had come out as gay, Wilson has never labelled her sexuality.

"I never thought I was 100 percent straight," she reveals, "I don't quite know how to define my sexuality, but I do know there's a lot of people out there that don't want to totally define it either."

As well as her own journey with sexuality, the app was partly inspired by her Gen Z cast mates in her most recent Netflix film Senior Year.

"It's funny, the younger adults who were in the cast, they're so open about their sexuality and that freedom is so awesome and should be celebrated," she says. "I did learn a lot from them."

According to new census data, Gen Z are the queerest generation ever - being twice as likely to identify as LGBTQIA+.

Fluid launches later this month on the App store. While people of any gender and sexuality are welcome, android users apparently aren’t.

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