Rebel Wilson shares powerful message on how to stop "feeling guilty" over holiday weight gain

Photo credit: NBC - Getty Images
Photo credit: NBC - Getty Images

Rebel Wilson has shared a powerful message with fans, reminding them that changing feelings towards your body are totally normal – but that we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves over said feelings.

Speaking to her 11.2 million Instagram followers, Rebel opened up about how gaining weight whilst on holiday has impacted her body confidence. "I just noticed I put on 3 kgs on my holiday," she wrote in the caption alongside a photo of herself in a swimsuit. "I’m at an amazing all-inclusive resort… I’ve lost all self control. But you know what? I can get up tomorrow and go to the gym, and hydrate and eat healthy and love myself."

She went on: "It doesn’t help to be hard on yourself but I know what it’s like to feel guilty and not great after eating too much. But if you’re like me just know YOU are more than just your weight, your weight doesn’t define you, just try your best to be healthy and don’t be so hard on yourself. Be the best version of you 💗."

Her post was welcomed by fans, racking up over a quarter of a million likes and plenty of comments praising the star for speaking so honestly. "What do they say, happiness is the best look of all?" said one follower, with another person chiming into the conversation with, "I wish I had a role model like you when I was a kid." A third fan simply commented: "I really needed to read that!"

But it's not the first time the Senior Year actor has opened up about her weight loss journey – especially when it comes the impact weight loss has had on her fertility and the reactions of other people. In fact, just last year the 42-year-old called out how she was consistently praised for losing weight rather than for her professional achievements.

"In 2019, I had, like, four movies come out, two which I produced and one, Jojo Rabbit, which got nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture" she told Australia's Daily Telegraph. "Yet I get more press the following year when I do nothing except lose weight."

If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s health, you can contact Beat, the UK’s eating disorder charity, 365 days a year on 0808 801 0677 or

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