Rebel Wilson on the 'emotional roller coaster' of her fertility journey: 'If it didn't work out, I would have been proud of myself for trying'

Rebel Wilson shares her parenting journey. (Getty Images/Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo News)
Rebel Wilson shares her parenting journey. (Getty Images/Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo News)

Welcome to So Mini Ways, Yahoo Life's parenting series on the joys and challenges of childrearing.

From beloved comedies like the Pitch Perfect films to acclaimed dramas like Jojo Rabbit, Rebel Wilson can do it all. And since November, she’s been over the moon about stepping into her latest role: mom to daughter Royce, who she shares with fiancée Ramona Agruma.

“She is just a little angel,” says the Australian star. “She melts me. And she just started to say her first word, which is ‘Mum.’ Luckily, I reached out for my camera, and I filmed it.”

Of course, this first year isn’t without its challenges, admits Wilson. “It's very difficult to juggle [parenting] with working, and I'm trying to learn what works best, but I'm so grateful,” she notes. “I've got such an amazing supportive partner with Ramona. Together, we’re tag-teaming it and so far, so good, but it is a lot. I'm not getting to watch TV as much and other things I used to do. But it is such an amazing time.”

Given how tough that work-life juggle can be, the proud new mom sings the praises of anything that feels like a simple solution to an everyday headache, which is why she recently partnered with Zevo to talk about conquering “bugxiety,” or fear of bites and stings, infestation and general disgust.

“As somebody who's had malaria, which is from a mosquito bite, if something's flying around, especially at night when you're trying to sleep, it's very unsettling to me,” admits Wilson, who finds peace of mind from Zevo Flying Insect Traps, which uses UV blue light to trap bugs. She also reaches for bug spray quite a bit lately, as she’s been spending time outdoors while shooting her latest film, Bride Hard, in Savannah, Ga. “There’s a beautiful river I like walking [near], and you need [bug spray] when you go on walks with the baby,” she points out.

Even in these everyday moments, Wilson is thankful for how far she and Agruma have come. She admits that the journey to get to parenthood was “an emotional roller coaster.” “When I look at Royce, it was all worth it,” she notes. “In my case, I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, and so, it was harder to get pregnant. I'm glad that it did work out for me in the end, but I really feel for women going through [IVF], because I know exactly what it's like. You get so hopeful, and it’s a struggle. And it can be very tough on your body as well, depending on what medications you're taking.”

Wilson can’t help but think that there were so many potential scenarios in which she might not have been blessed with her baby girl. After several rounds of IVF, Wilson chose to go with a gestational surrogate. “That was statistically the better odds with the one embryo I had,” she explains. “If it didn't work out, I would have been proud of myself for trying, and it just wasn't meant to be in the universe. But I feel very, very lucky that I got this little miracle. When I took her into the pediatrician, and the pediatrician was like, ‘Oh, she's perfect,’ I was like, ‘Oh, really? Great.’ I’m always amazed that a few cells can grow into an amazing little human.”

These days, the 9-month-old has been making “very cheeky facial expressions, which Ramona says are exactly like mine,” laughs Wilson, who adds, “I do think she looks exactly like me as a baby. And she's moving around. She sits up, and she does planks, I don't know how she's got that core strength! At the moment, it's a lot of introducing her to new foods and taking her swimming and her nap schedule and everything, which Ramona is better at.”

Wilson feels like the universe brought her fiancée into her life “at the exact time Royce was being created, and it just worked out.”

Now, the couple is learning how to best support one another and their daughter. “I’m directing a movie coming out, and it's an original musical, so I’m very busy in my professional life,” explains Wilson. “Ramona has this growing athleisure brand, Lemon Ve Limon, that's going really well, but she is the more stay-at-home parent, because she can do work on her computer at home, so I just feel very lucky. Ramona is the best, most supportive partner.”

Wilson looks forward to a time when they’ll have the opportunity to reverse their roles. “Maybe next year, once this busy period is over, I'll be the one who's staying at home,” she notes. “And we'll mix it up, and she'll go out and grow her business.”

Looking even further down the road, Wilson is equally thrilled by all of Royce’s milestones to come. “I can't wait 'til she can talk properly, and I can take her to movies and shows and play sports,” says the proud mom. “I think that's when I'll shine more as a parent.”

For now, she’s reveling in the moment. “I'm sure all mothers are like, ‘Oh, my baby's incredible,’” muses Wilson. “But I am just really, really enjoying it.”