Rainie Yang apologises for insensitive joke about Zhengzhou

12 Dec – Rainie Yang recently had to apologise to fans and the people of Henan, after a joke gone wrong.

As reported on Mingpao, the issue sparked recently during her performance in the Henan city of Zhengzhou on 9 December, when fans screamed with joy after a couple was caught on the big screen kissing during Rainie's performance.

Rainie, who didn't see the whole thing, asked her audience what happened, but nobody gave her an answer.

The singer then smiled and joked, "You already have some reputation, you know, don't lie to me, Zhengzhou. You are so bad for keep lying to me."

The singer's joke fell flat
The singer's joke fell flat

Videos of the singer saying those words had since gone viral, which angered a lot of Henan people who saw it.

In response to the issue, the Taiwanese singer posted her apology on Weibo, which read, "I want to apologise for the offensive and impolite joke at the Zhengzhou concert. I'm sorry. It was indeed my fault. I am very willing and should accept everyone's timely corrections and criticisms. Once again, I would like to apologise. People who have been troubled because of me, and I solemnly apologise."

Mainland media reported that the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism has received complaints from many citizens about Rainie and will transfer the complaints to relevant departments for investigation.

(Photo Source: Rainie Yang IG)