Race Across The World fans are confused over latest leg of the journey

race across world viewers confused over journey
Race Across The World fans confused on latest epBBC

Our favourite competition reality series Race Across The World was back last night on BBC One for its sixth episode bringing plenty more tense moments, stunning Canadian scenery, and quite surprisingly, no taxis for Kevin.

The episode saw the contestants travel from the fifth check point Manitoulin Island to the sixth check point in Quebec. There were various ways of reaching their next destination, with the group all heading in different directions.

However, for those planning on travelling through Montreal, namely Kevin and Claudia, there was one rather big stumbling block the pair ran into, which viewers are majorly confused over.

To quickly recap: when father and daughter Kevin and Claudia arrived in Montreal, what they didn't realise was the Formula One Grand Prix was in town. Whilst being in the city with all the excitement of a major racing competition could be fun, it caused hotel rooms and hostels to sell out and any remaining rooms to massively spike in price.

Viewers saw Kevin and Claudia shell out half of their remaining budget, $513 (£320) to be exact, on a room for one night.

Kevin called the F1 race a "nightmare", adding: "You think you've got the strategy right and then something just takes your legs out from underneath you."

Kevin and Claudia have definitely not been the best at budgeting, often opting for taxis over ride shares, but viewers were quick to point out the pair didn't really have much choice this time.

race across world viewers confused over journey

And some were confused as to why the series was scheduled to take place when the Grand Prix was on.

One person tweeted: "Seems like pretty poor planning to get the teams to arrive in Montreal just as #f1 weekend is in town, given the impact on prices and budgets."

Another theorised as to if the producers knew about the F1 saying: "That’s the end of Kevin and Claudia. I wonder did producers know about THE GP."

And another joked: "There’s no way #RaceAcrossTheWorld didn’t deliberately plan the teams to end up in Montréal on F1 weekend."

It's worth pointing out that even if the producers may have known the Grand Prix was on, depending on how the contestants did in other legs of the journey or which route they decided to take, they may not have encountered it anyway or been able to avoid it.

Thankfully, the next day we saw Kevin and Claudia manage to get some of their money back by working. And they still managed to reach the sixth check point.

However, will their lack of budget cost them the race in the next leg of the challenge? We'll have to wait and see until next week's episode.

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