The Queen Consort's choice of brooch nods to dance school visit

camilla queen consort ballerina brooch
Queen Consort nods to dancers with brooch choiceFinnbarr Webster - Getty Images

The Queen Consort was in the West Midlands for a special visit and attended a local ballet school on Tuesday (14 March), which was celebrating its 100 year anniversary.

Camilla joined staff and students of the ballet school to mark the centenary, and paid tribute to the dancers with her choice of brooch.

Pinned to her navy coat was a gold brooch in the shape of a ballerina, directly referencing her visit to the school and its dancers.

Photographs of her visit were shared to the official Royal Family instagram page which, in a caption, stated that The Queen Consort had had, "a wonderful day in the West Midlands" with the school for the important celebration.

"Among the students was Nigerian ballet dancer Anthony Mmesoma Madu, who received a scholarship to the School in 2020 after a video of him dancing barefoot in the rain went viral online," the post added.

In the photographs, Camilla can be seen chatting to and shaking hands with some of the young ballet dancers, as well as posing with the students for a group photograph.

queen consort ballet brooch
WPA Pool - Getty Images

While at the school, The Queen Consort unveiled a special plaque in honour of 100 years of Elmhurst Ballet School.

The glass plaque was affixed to a wall of the school covered in photographs of performances from over the years and read: "This plaque was unveiled by HM The Queen Consort to mark the centenary of Elmhurst Ballet School, 14th March 2023".

Earlier this week, Camilla opted for another poignant brooch, wearing a diamond and sapphire pin which once belonged to Queen Elizabeth II, for a Commonwealth Day service.

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