Puteri Sarah Liyana was rushed to emergency

23 Oct - Puteri Sarah Liyana recently revealed that she had to be taken to the emergency unit of a medical centre in Kuala Lumpur, after suffering from a fever for the past five days.

The actress, who shared her situation with fans on Instagram Story, stated that she went to the doctors after experiencing weakness in her body, adding that she had a difficulty standing at the time.

"When the doctor checked my temperature, it was already 40 degrees Celsius. I was taken to the emergency and was given a drip, alongside a paracetamol and vitamin C," she said.

Puteri Sarah added that she felt very weak and didn't realise when she fell asleep as soon as she was given the medication.

The actress said that she had actually started feeling unease five days prior to the hospitalisation, but that she ignored it and continued to work.

"Praise be to God, I have had my blood tested and it was nothing dangerous. The lesson here is, if you are not feeling well, go get checked or it will get worse," she added.

 The actress recently starred in the stage play, 'Pak Pandir & Labu Ajaib'
The actress recently starred in the stage play, 'Pak Pandir & Labu Ajaib'

(Photo Source: Puteri Sarah IG)