Puteri Sarah Liyana not involved in Hafidz Roshdi's divorce matter

27 Feb – Puteri Sarah Liyana has denied the allegations that she got herself involved in the separation between actor Hafidz Roshdi and his wife, Nurul Shuhada.

The actress, who was asked about the rumour that she spoke to Hafidz's non-showbiz wife, admitted that Shuhada did send her a message when she was in Madinah performing her umrah, sharing her story and asking Puteri Sarah for advice on what to do.

"I didn't want to give too much advice, but I did read some comments saying that I taught her the wrong things," she said.

Puteri Sarah explained that she only shared with Shuhada the action she has to take against the third party, as well as advice regarding legal matters.

"What happened to her and what occurred recently has nothing to do with me," she added.

At the same time, Puteri Sarah stated that she felt sorry for the mother of two.

"I told her that as a woman, we have to have a career, since she doesn't work. She has to make her own money. I told her to do what she feels right, instead of what other people want her to do."

Hafidz made headlines earlier after it was reported that he had been having a relationship with another woman. Although the third party has already apologised and things seemed to have subsided, it was recently revealed that Hafidz has divorced his wife of more than six years.

Hafidz married Shuhada in April 2016
Hafidz married Shuhada in April 2016
The couple have two children together
The couple have two children together

(Photo Source: Hafidz Roshdi IG, Puteri Sarah Liyana IG)