Princess Margaret’s Lady-in-Waiting Just Absolutely Went Off on ‘The Crown’

the crown
A Royal Lady-in-Waiting Went Off on ‘The Crown’Netflix

The Crown’s fifth season has been out for a minute, but apparently royal insiders simply aren’t done complaining about it. And the newest person to take issue with the show is Princess Margaret’s lady-in-waiting Lady Anne Glenconner (who is played by Nancy Carroll in the show’s third and fourth seasons).

Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour (via the Daily Mail), Lady Anne said, “The trouble is that people, especially in America, believe it completely. It’s so irritating. I don’t watch The Crown now because it just makes me so angry. And it’s so unfair on members of the royal family.”

Lady Anne went on to say that Princess Margaret’s storyline was particularly “hurtful” and that she found Helena Bonham Carter’s portrayal of the late princess “disappointing.”

the crown
Helena Bonham Carter on The Crown.Netflix

“I know from my own experience, being in The Crown, it wasn’t true at all,” she said of a scene on the show where she tries to set up Margaret. “Of course that didn’t happen. I don’t know why they had to do that. The real thing about the royal family is so interesting. They don’t have to embroider it.”

colin tennant, 3rd baron glenconner with his wife anne on the island of mustique, which he owns privately, march 1973 photo by slim aaronshulton archivegetty images
Lady Anne and Colin Tennant in 1973.Slim Aarons

Lady Anne also claims she talked to Helena about the show, saying, “Afterward, I said to her, ‘A bit disappointing, wasn’t it?’ And she replied, ‘Yes, but I’m an actress, I have to do what’s written.’”

Meanwhile, Netflix previously noted that “The Crown has always been presented as a drama based on historical events. Series 5 is a fictional dramatization, imagining what could have happened behind closed doors during a significant decade for the royal family—one that has already been scrutinized and well documented by journalists, biographers, and historians.”

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