Princess Diana’s Brother Has a Hilarious Response to Donald Trump’s Claims About the Late Royal

Princess Diana's younger brother, Charles, 9th Earl Spencer, is hitting back against claims that former president Donald Trump made about the late Princess of Wales.

Trump reportedly told Breitbart News that Diana was one of the celebrities who "kissed my ass" before he pursued politics.

The conversation occurred while he was promoting his new book, Letters to Trump, which claims to include letters from Diana and the late Queen Elizabeth II, as well as Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Kim Jong-un.

Charles defended his sister in a tweet posted yesterday.

"Surprised to hear that Donald Trump is apparently claiming that my late sister Diana wanted to 'kiss his arse,'" Charles wrote, "since the one time she mentioned him to me - when he was using her good name to sell some real estate inNew York - she clearly viewed him as worse than an anal fissure."

Trump claimed to Breitbart that the correspondence highlighted in his book will show how he "knew them all—and every one of them kissed my ass, and now I only have half of them kissing my ass."

In the past, Trump has been known to make outrageous claims about the late royal, who died in 1997 following a car crash in Paris.

Speaking with Howard Stern in an infamous 1997 interview, the host asked him, per People, "Why do people think it's egotistical of you to say you could've gotten with Lady Di? You could've gotten her, right? You could've nailed her?"

Trump answered, "I think I could have."

British TV anchor Selina Scott wrote about Diana's opinion on Trump in a 2015 column for The Sunday Times, per People. Scott said that Trump saw the princess as "the ultimate trophy wife" and attempted to win her over after her divorce from then Prince Charles by sending multiple flower arrangements to her home at Kensington Palace.

"As the roses and orchids piled up at her apartment she became increasingly concerned about what she should do. It had begun to feel as if Trump was stalking her," Scott wrote, claiming that Diana had told the anchor, "What am I going to do? He gives me the creeps."

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