Princess Beatrice's Husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi Shared a Sweet Tribute to the Queen

Tributes to the late Queen Elizabeth II keep coming from all quarters. From celebrities and politicians to fellow royals from around the globe, the outpourings of grief and fond remembrances of Her Majesty have been a wellspring of affection for the late monarch.

Even her grandson-in-law, Princess Beatrice's Husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, has shared his feelings, with a post on Instagram featuring a series of photos of the Queen, including a shot from Edo's ultra-private pandemic-era wedding to Beatrice, as well as historic photos of Elizabeth throughout the years.

"Incredibly hard to process the last 24 hours," he wrote in the caption for the post. "What an incredible woman and extraordinary mark she’s left on the entire world. She was the rock on which modern Britain was built. Feeling very lucky that our little ones got to spend wonderful time with her this summer. Rest is [sic] Peace Your Majesty. We will miss you so much. Brokenhearted"

The mention of "little ones" is presumably a reference to Edo and Beatrice's daughter Sienna Elizabeth, the current 10th in line to the British throne, who the couple welcomed in September 2021, as well as Wolfie, Edo's son from a previous relationship, who Beatrice has affectionately referred to as her "bonus son." Wolfie has played a part in Beatrice and Edo's relationship for quite some time—he even served as his father's best man at their wedding—and officially made his debut with the royal family earlier this year at the Platinum Jubilee.

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