Prince William and Kate Middleton Have Finally Chosen a New School

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Photo credit: Getty Images

Ahead of the family’s official relocation from Kensington Palace in London to the countryside Windsor Estate this fall, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis will be attending a new school this September. Prince William and Kate Middleton have officially announced their decision to enroll their children at the Lambrook School in Berkshire, a short distance from the family’s reported new home in Windsor, Adelaide Cottage.

The Lambrook campus is situated on 52 acres of countryside, and is known as one of the top prep schools in the U.K. The school has approximately 560 pupils and a co-curricular catalog that includes beekeeping, fencing, and horseback riding. There is also a royal legacy at Lambrook, as two of Queen Victoria’s grandsons were pupils in 1878.

While Lambrook is predominantly a boarding school, the Cambridge children will be day students — attending classes and activities during the day and returning home in the evenings.

“We are delighted that Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis will be joining us this coming September and very much look forward to welcoming the family, as we all as all of our new pupils, to our school community,” said Lambrook headmaster Jonathan Perry.

Prince George, 8, and Princess Charlotte, 7, were both previously at Thomas's Battersea preparatory school in London. In a statement released from Kensington Palace, the royal couple expressed well wishes. “Their Royal Highnesses are hugely grateful to Thomas’s Battersea where George and Charlotte have had a happy start to their education since 2017 and 2019 respectively and are pleased to have found a school for all three of their children which shares a similar ethos and values to Thomas’s.” Next on the royal parenting to-do list? Back to school shopping!

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