Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s New Dog Has the Most Unexpected Name

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s New Dog Has the Most Unexpected Name

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have welcomed a surprise new addition to their family—a dog with a very surprising name….

To recap, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex adopted the 7-year-old beagle—who’d just had a litter of eight puppies—from the Beagle Freedom Project and specifically requested an older dog.

“The duchess called me personally,” Shannon Keith, an animal rights attorney who runs the shelter, told the Los Angeles Times. “She calls on my cell with no caller ID and says, ‘Hey, Shannon, this is Meghan,’” Keith added. “We talked for 30 minutes, and I thought, Is this Megan Fox?

After their chat, the attorney says the duke and duchess made an out-of-hours visit to the shelter along with two security guards. According to Keith, the couple played with Mamma Mia—Mia for short—in the shelter’s garden until Meghan announced they’d be keen to adopt her.

“The duchess is holding Mia and was like, ‘We’re adopting her,’” Keith said, pointing out that the couple did not want to adopt a puppy. “No, we don’t want a Christmas puppy. We want ones we can help who are older,” Meghan reportedly said, explaining that she knows puppies are often chosen in favor of older dogs.

Photo credit: Karwai Tanq - Getty Images
Photo credit: Karwai Tanq - Getty Images

Meghan has made no secret of her love for animals, particularly dogs. During her time as a working royal, she chose animal welfare charity Mayhew as one of her patronages and has frequently used the #AdoptDontShop hashtag on social media.

In fact, speaking about his now-wife’s way with animals, Prince Harry revealed that the Queen’s corgis took to Meghan “straight away” when they first met. “I’ve spent the last 33 years being barked at; this one walks in, absolutely nothing,” he said during the pair’s engagement interview in 2017. “That’s true,” Meghan had replied, adding that the dogs were “just lying on my feet during tea, it was very sweet.”

Harry added that the dogs did not stop “wagging tails,” to which the interviewer said must be a “good sign.”

The duchess has previously said that her dogs “mean the absolute world” to her and has referred to them as “my loves.”

Mia will join the Sussex family’s other dog, a black Labrador thought to be named Pula, and we can’t wait to see all the photos of her settling into her new home!

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