PrimaDéli launches limited-time nacho cheese waffles until 25 April 2022

When it comes to Singapore-style waffles, PrimaDéli is one of the first established names that pop into my head. However, what never fails to excite me is how PrimaDéli always comes up with unique waffle flavours.

Picture of PrimaDeli nacho cheese waffles

Recently, PrimaDéli has pulled another trick out of the bag – Nacho Cheese Waffles. This will be available at all of their stores until 25 April 2022.

At just S$2.50, you’ll be able to enjoy a thick, aromatic layer of nacho cheese filling sandwiched between their classic traditional waffles. This might just prove to be a sinful and addictive combination that will leave you craving for more.

Picture of PrimaDeli storefront

PrimaDéli has always been my go-to solution whenever I wanted to grab a quick snack, and frankly speaking, the smell of freshly-made pandan waffles always makes me hungry. Every day after school, I would always rush down to the nearest outlet to tuck into my favourite chocolate and peanut butter waffles.

I remember when they released some of the most interesting limited-time flavours back in 2016. Their Mango Surimi Crab Waffle (S$2.20 at that time) did raise quite a few eyebrows. It contained ingredients that you would normally not expect in a waffle. This included fresh mango, crab celery, and diced surimi.

In conjunction with that, they also released their Chicken Mayonnaise Waffle (S$2.20). Roast chicken, mayonnaise, and onions are ingredients you would expect to see in a sandwich, but they somehow found their way into PrimaDéli’s waffles.

I’m looking forward to seeing what other unique waffle flavours the famed bakery will continue to churn out. Perhaps we’ll see even wilder ingredients and spreads like durian, peach or even strawberries and cream— only time will tell.

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