In pictures: River fording at Selkirk Common Riding

Selkirk Common Riding
Riders crossed the River Ettrick as part of Selkirk's Common Riding [PA Media]

The centuries old tradition of common ridings is in full swing in the Scottish Borders.

Hawick got the ball rolling, with Selkirk the latest taking its turn to see riders on horseback mark the historic town boundaries.

Part of their journey is the fording of the River Ettrick as they commemorate the events of 1513 when 80 men from the town left to fight for King James IV and just one returned.

The standard bearer - Matthew Stanners this year - represents Fletcher, the only Selkirk man, or "Souter", to return alive from the Battle of Flodden.

Selkirk Common Riding
Matthew Stanners was the standard bearer in Selkirk this year [PA Media]
Selkirk Common Riding
Selkirk's big day commemorates events more than 500 years ago [PA Media]
Selkirk Common Riding
Water levels allowed the crossing to take place [PA Media]
Selkirk Common Riding
Selkirk is one of many south of Scotland towns to stage a common riding [PA Media]
Selkirk Common Riding
Huge crowds always turn out for the annual celebrations in the Borders [PA Media]