Phoebe Huang's ex Christopher Downs not guilty of domestic abuse?

1 Aug – Christopher Downs has recently been found not guilty in the domestic violence charge that was filed against him by former wife, Phoebe Huang.

The news was shared by his legal representative Troy Anderson on 26 July, in a letter that was shared to the media that read, "This case was one in which Mr. Downs was accused of criminal actions by his estranged spouse. He is now and has always been presumed innocent of any wrongdoing."

"Yesterday, on 25 July 2023, the Crown Prosecutor's office in Vancouver directed a stay of proceedings on all charges against Mr. Downs. In common parlance, they dropped all charges against him. This being the case, Mr. Downs remains an innocent man."

Meanwhile, Christopher, known to his Chinese fans as Xia Keli, stated that he has always been innocent like he has repeatedly said and that he will bring the evidence and go to Taiwan to continue the lawsuit.

Previously, the "Where Are We Going, Dad?" star said that he was falsely accused and called himself the "Canadian version of Johnny Depp" after it was claimed that he was cheating on and was abusive against ex-wife Phoebe. He also stated that he had been prevented from contacting and seeing his daughter, Poppy.

It was in July 2022 that Phoebe admitted that they have filed for divorce, though Christopher later stated that it was him who first filed for divorce in January 2022, two months before Phoebe did in Taiwan.

Christopher said that he had been prevented from seeing daughter Poppy
Christopher said that he had been prevented from seeing daughter Poppy

(Photo Source: Christopher Downs IG, China Times)