Philip Chan reduces work to spend time with ailing wife

21 Nov – Veteran actor Philip Chan recently admitted that he has reduced his film and television work for the past couple of years for the sake of ailing wife.

As reported on Mingpao, the 72 year-old actor recently shared that his wife of 43 years is suffering from mild cognitive impairment, and that she is now "living in her own fantasy world".

"I rarely go out now. I spend more free time watching cartoons with her," he said.

Philip shared that because of her condition, his wife would often repeat her words. "She is like the tape recorder. Sometimes she asks the same question a hundred times. I just smile and answer. It is hard work, but I am happy just to see her smile," he said.

Philip said that it is the only thing that he could do for his wife, who dedicated her life to him despite the challenges of being married to an artiste.

"In the past, I would always be gone and get involved in many rumours. I am thankful for her tolerance. I am not a great husband, but I can be a responsible one," he said.

(Photo Source: Mingpao)