Pete Davidson Details Wild Plans To Recoup Costs For Newly-Acquired ‘Titanic 2’ Ferry

Pete Davidson is plugging proverbial holes in a new investment leaking him tons of money.

The newly-minted co-owner of a retired Staten Island ferry, which he purchased with Colin Jost, appeared on a recent episode of “Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers” to reveal they christened it Titanic 2 — and have huge plans to recoup their sunken costs.

“We wanna be able to dock it from April to September, maybe October, in New York, and it will be like a restaurant,” said Davidson on the podcast. “There will be a concert venue. There will be a movie theater, upstairs … restaurant area. And then there’s hotels in it.”

“We’ll have like … a couple of those,” he continued. “And then in the winter, tug it to Miami.”

Staten Island ferries can carry up to 4,500 passengers at a time and regularly chug across the Hudson River. Davidson reportedly bought a decommissioned model in 2022 named after former President John F. Kennedy at auction — for $280,100.

The decision-making behind that purchase, meanwhile, was rather hilarious.

“I saw a link and sent a deposit, and now I’m stuck with a fucking boat,” Davidson said on the podcast, which is co-hosted by fellow “SNL” alum Seth Meyers. “It’s really funny, dude. It’s kinda funny that this will be a lifelong problem for me and Colin.”

That lifelong problem could become a massive opportunity for New York City nightlife obsessives, however, as no other venues combining restaurants and movie theaters currently exist in the area are owned by two “SNL” stars — or float on the Hudson.

The retired ferry in question that was purchased for $280,100 by the
The retired ferry in question that was purchased for $280,100 by the

The retired ferry in question that was purchased for $280,100 by the "SNL" stars.

While even New York City Mayor Eric Adams voiced his support of acquiring the 2,109-ton vessel — and tweeted it was “a great way to give an NYC icon a second life” — the reportedly multimillion-dollar renovation project is nowhere near completion.

“So, we just got all the plans built,” said Davidson. “We had them do one of those computer-generated show-you-what-it-could-be type of thing. And now, we’re out to a few people, and it seems like it’s all going well, but it’s definitely five years away.”

While the eccentric purchase seems strange to the rest of the country, Davidson and Jost are native Staten Islanders who undoubtedly spent years ferrying to the city. Davidson famously honored his home with the 2020 film “The King of Staten Island.”

The actor was lauded on the podcast for his costly vision for the ferry, only to tell the podcast hosts the truth: “Yeah, we have to ’cause we’re in the hole!” As for the name recalling the world’s most famous seafaring disaster, Davidson is apparently not to blame.

“That was Colin’s idea,” he said on the podcast. “I can’t take full credit for that. It’s funny because Colin’s on all the of the calls. He’ll call me and be like, ‘It’s all going well — its name is Titanic 2. Alright, I’ll talk to you later.’”
