17 Things That Are Absolutely *Not* For Everyone, Despite What Society Wants Us To Believe

No matter where you live, you may be familiar with the specific expectations society tells you you should adhere to for a "better" life. And since these "rules" do not work for everyone for a myriad of reasons, I thought it would be helpful to share the responses from Reddit user's u/TrooperJohn thread, where they asked: "What is not for everyone, but society acts like it is?" Here's what they had to say below:

1."Hustle/grind/climb the corporate ladder culture. I just want to do what I'm good at, enjoy my life, and not kill myself getting to the top."

two colleagues in the office together

2."Monogamy and polyamory. The main reason people think polyamory is bad is that non-polyamorous people attempt it and inevitably fail at it because they think polyamory is something you can just switch on and off and 'try out.' At the same time, society acts like monogamy should be the standard for everyone, when it’s just not suited to everyone."


3."In my current place? I’d have to say marijuana. It’s actually interesting how many people are shocked I don’t do it. Like I get it’s a big business and A LOT of people partake, but it really isn’t for everyone."

weed flowers from a jar
Emilija Manevska / Getty Images

4."Working the same job/career for 40+ years."


"I made some promotions, even got to team leader, but I went to the boss to get a downgrade, so I'm now a team leader's right hand. I get to do everything that I enjoyed doing as a team leader, but I don't get the stuff that I hated doing (i.e. telling people what to do, getting the complaints, making bigger decisions). The wage is a bit less, but I don't have the stress that comes with a team leader either, so it's really worth it for me. I guess I'm now at that point where I don't want any promotions."


5."Crop tops. Some of us still want the whole entire shirt, damnit!"

a person wearing a crop top
Jose Luis Agudo Gonzalez / Getty Images

6."Alcohol. Some people can't fathom that others don't want to drink it — or choose a sober lifestyle after a bad experience."


7."Being extroverted and constantly craving social interactions"

people dancing on top of a roof top

8."Social media. Imagine being a 6th grader and having people think you’re weird if you don’t have an Instagram. That shit is poison. It can wreck our interpersonal skills, ruin relationships, perpetuate bullying into cyberspace when it used to end during the school day, and cement embarrassment if you get recorded. The list goes on."


9."Having children."

a person and a child having a fort night

10."Sex. Nobody should be shamed for having sex or not having sex."


"Similarly, hookup culture. Not everyone glorifies the idea of 'anytime with anyone, anywhere.'"



a couple holding hands with a marriage ring on



"I don’t know about society, but the media acts like it. I swear it’s assumed the entire TV or movie cast went to college. And not a local college either: they left home, stayed in a dorm, and somehow in between all the studying, a lot of partying and weed was involved. And if it involves high schoolers, it's assumed they’re going to go, and if not, it’s cause they’re the stupid/trouble-making one."


13."Being connected ALL the time: WiFi, TV, streaming, etc."

a person looking at their phone

14."40-hour workweek."


"I don't honestly think it's for anybody. People say there are a bunch of psychopaths out there who just love working every waking moment, but I kind of think they just tell people they feel that way to look like they're virtuous."


15."The whole 'early bird gets the worm' mentality. Society tends to glorify being a morning person and waking up at the crack of dawn, but not everyone’s wired that way. Some of us are night owls who do our best work after midnight. So, let’s remember that not everyone thrives on the same schedule, and it’s okay to be a night-loving creature in a world that often praises the early risers. After all, owls are pretty cool too!"

a person looking sleepy
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

16."A 9-5 job. I'm a bartender/server and a natural night owl. I honestly think that's why I even prefer the service industry because I just feel more normal at night lol. I have my degree and did the 9-5 for about two years but everyone's energy all day kinda makes me nauseous. However, the relentless judgment for being on a different schedule than the rest of society is constant."


17."Homeownership. Some people just don't have the budgeting skills, willingness, time, and knowledge to do maintenance, or the discipline necessary for homeownership."

a home for sale
Martin Barraud / Getty Images

Is there something you prefer not to do even though society tells you you should? Tell us what it is and why in the comments below.