24 People Who Witnessed Some Disgusting (And Truly Puzzling) Behaviors In Public That I, Quite Frankly, Wish I Could Forget Forever

Humans can be many things, but sometimes they're just simply gross. When Redditor u/ClarabellaHeartHope asked people to share the most disgusting thing they've seen another person do, I thought I knew what to expect. I was so wrong. Here are some of the most bizarre and grossest things people were so surprised to see in public:

1."I was on a flight from Norway to Ireland, and there was a woman sitting beside me who was eating a whole head of iceberg lettuce like it was an apple."

A man is eating a head of lettuce

2."I used to work for a shoe company a couple of years ago. One busy Saturday, I had a guy in his 30s come in and ask for my help with something. He very quickly sat down, took off his shoes and socks in the middle of the shop, then asked me to inspect the massive blisters all over his feet. He wanted me to tell him if I thought they looked okay, or if he should go see a doctor. It took all my self-control not to throw up then and there. When I asked him why he came to us instead of going straight to a doctor, he replied with something like, 'You guys work with shoes all day, so I figured you'd know all about foot problems, too.'"


3."One time, I was at the pub. It was a hot day, and this lady was drinking a gin and tonic. She had her dog with her, and the woman got an ice cube out of her drink, let her dog suck on it, then popped it right back into her glass."

A dog is licking ice

4."One time in school, the 'cool boys' all spat greenies on a wall and gave another boy money to lick it up. He slurped it all up for, like, five dollars. I still have nightmares about it."


5."I was stuck in traffic once, and through the rearview mirror, I watched in disgust as the driver in the car behind me feasted upon the detritus of his own body. He was going to town — boogers, earwax, fingernail crust, and who knows what else. I was bored and hungry just like everybody else waiting in the traffic, but seriously? You had to go and make yourself into an appetizer?"

Jon Heder as Clark in "The Benchwarmers" is picking his nose
Columbia Pictures

6."I work at a university. I once saw a student sneeze a vast amount of snot into his hand, then slurp it up like it was a delicacy. Even wilder, he did that in a seating area where people eat their lunch. Seeing that really ruined my appetite, and whenever I walk past that lunch area, I get flashbacks."


7."I was working the register during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I was ringing up a woman who sneezed into the hand she was holding her change in. She continued to try and pay with it, and was shocked when I refused to take it. I sent her to self-checkout swiftly."

A cashier is holding crumpled money

8."My great aunt used to pick the dead skin off her feet and stuff it into her slipper."


9."In the work canteen, I saw a colleague put ketchup on top of a slice of chocolate cake before eating it. It wasn't a small amount, either — the cake was slathered in ketchup. It was known that they put ketchup on everything, but where was the line drawn?"

A beet cake is made with "ketchup" icing

10."I saw a baby with a really runny nose, then the mom just bent over, put her mouth around the baby's nose, sucked the boogers out, and swallowed. I still gag thinking about it."


11."I was waiting at a bus stop once, and there was a woman who was waiting there with me. I had just come from the pub, so I assumed the woman did as well. My hunch was confirmed after she suddenly threw up on the floor. It went everywhere, even in her hair. The motion caused her false teeth to come out, landing in the puddle of her own sickness. I watched, horrified, as she grabbed the teeth and popped them right back into her mouth. She didn't even wipe them off."

Dentures are found in a garden

12."When I was younger, I saw a new guy at our school bite the head off a fish that'd been pulled from the local park pond. Just bit it clean off for no particular reason. It's been 25 years, and people still talk about it."


13."A work colleague of mine loads his curry up with mayonnaise. It makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it."


14."I was standing in line one time, and there was a man who kept popping his coins in his mouth. He was gargling them around in his mouth and spitting them out into his hands, with dribbles of saliva trailing along. He then used the same coins to pay at checkout."

A person is holding a handful of change

15."Years ago, one of my friends decided to down a full three liter (it was his third of the night) while quickly spinning in a circle because, apparently, it made you drunk faster. Obviously, immediately afterward, he spewed most of it back up. To everyone's horror, he then got on his hands and knees and started slurping the regurgitated drink off of the concrete floor. He said, 'It's a waste, isn't it?' It's been about nine years, and I still can't look him in the eye."


16."While in Amsterdam, I once saw a guy sneeze and blow his nose into a tissue, then wiped the same tissue all over the door handle of a cafe. Just...why?!"


17."While on the train, a person was cutting their toenails and was sprinkling the clippings onto the seats. To this day, I can still hear the noise of those clippers."

A woman is cutting her toes on the train

18."I was at a bar one time when some dude came up to me and asked me to spit in a cup. I asked him why, and he informed me that his friend was going to drink a whole glass of spit collected from other people around the bar. He gestured to the guy next to him — his friend — who laughed and confirmed that he was actually going to do it. Naturally, I hacked up the worst thing I could muster into the glass. He went around collecting more spit, and when he was done, he gave the spit concoction to his friend, who proceeded to absolutely neck it. It was the foulest thing I'd ever witnessed. Everyone in the bar was in complete shock, and we were all retching from witnessing such an act. But the guy who was drinking the spit drank all of it and didn't even seem phased."


19."It was the middle of summer on the top deck of a full and busy bus. Some person took off their stained sandals, put their feet up on the dashboard, then started picking at their toenails and dead skin."

A woman's feet is perched on a stranger's armrest

20."When we were teenagers, two of my friends got blackout drunk, froze each other's nipples by spraying them with an obscene amount of deodorant, then literally flicked their nipples off. Flash forward almost 20 years, they both have fleshy pink scar tissue where nipples should be."


21."One time, I saw a man shaving off his chest hair at a motorway service station. There were massive clumps of hair going on the floor and on the countertop, and mind you, it was, like, 4:00 a.m. Who urgently needs a hairless chest at that time?!"

Steve Carell as Andy in "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" is in the middle of getting his chest waxed
Universal Pictures

22."In high school, a boy had bird poop on his tie, and instead of wiping it off, he put it in his mouth and scraped it off with his teeth. Then he swallowed it. I was nearly sick."


23."When my sister coughs or sneezes, she'll open her mouth as wide as she can and just expel it as violently as possible — loud and messy. There have been several occasions where I was sitting in front of her, heard her sneeze, then instantly felt a massive gobbet of either snot or spit land on the back of my neck."

A man just got horribly sneezed on

24.Finally: "One time, I was on a packed bus that was stuck in thick traffic. Suddenly, everyone on the top deck around me started moving downstairs. I was confused at first and didn't understand what was going on — until the smell hit me. I found out that there was a woman up ahead who'd shit herself, put her excrements into a plastic bag she had, and dropped it in the aisle like nothing had happened. There was no space to move anywhere else since the bus was so full, and the rest of the journey was two hours long full of shit (literally)."


Alright, I think that's enough internet for the day. Have you ever witnessed something so gross that it still leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you think about it? Let me know in the comments or in this anonymous form!