Penang coffee shop wants you to pay up if you don’t want a drink with your meal

With prices increasing in 2022, it’s only understandable that many of us have resort to bringing our own water bottles to eateries in efforts to save a little money. However, eateries in Malaysia have started to charge patrons who do not order drinks with their meal. According to The Star, a 37-year-old coffee shop owner in Penang has decided to put up a sign telling those who don’t order drinks that they must pay a RM0.50 fee per person.

The Star - Coffee shop

The coffee shop owner told The Star that he initially did not mind when patrons occupy a table without ordering any drinks. However over time, patrons would come in and order  food from hawker stalls, but not drinks. He shared that there were occasions when five patrons would occupy a table but not one would order a drink.

“Most of these customers were tourists and I felt they should order something at the very least,” he added.

As he could not force customers to order drinks, he hoped the sign would encourage them to have empathy and support his business. In turn, he would ensure they are not disappointed by his hospitality.

Coffee shop - coffee

In fact another food court located nearby charges its customers a heftier amount to those who do not order any drinks— RM1. The operator who declined to be named explained that the practice was to deter people from sitting for free. Stickers are even placed on every table to ensure the customers understand the rules.

What do you think of this practice?

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