Patrick Tang happy to win at LAFA

9 Jun – Patrick Tang recently expressed happiness following news that he has won Best First Time Director (Short) at the Los Angeles Film Awards (LAFA) in the month of May.

As reported on Mingpao, the Hong Kong singer who submitted his short film, "Dreams Come True" to the said awards recently, stated that the film has been ranked among the top 15 best films out of 100 works submitted worldwide.

"It's really encouraging to be in the top 15 and win the first director award in my life," he enthused, saying that it was indeed a dream come true for him.

Wife Sukie Shek also expressed her happiness for Patrick, writing on social media, "Congratulations, [Patrick]. So proud of you."

It is noted that Patrick originally submitted the short film to the 7th Microfilm Production Support Scheme (Music), but the award ceremony was postponed to August due to the pandemic.

(Photo Source: Mingpao)