Partner Track viewers are unhappy about this bit of the show

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

Forget Suits or How To Get Away With Murder; Partner Track is the new legal drama taking up our evenings. The Netflix original follows Ingrid Yun, an attorney attempting to become a partner at a New York City law firm, struggling to balance her private and personal life alongside her moral compass.

While fans wait in anticipation for a potential season two, they've also been taking to social media to share one problem with the show: Ingrid's love interests are all wrong.

*Spoilers* The first season sees a love triangle unfold for Ingrid (played by Arden Cho) with the rich and handsome Nick, and British Jeff, a transfer from the London office who she once shared a one-night stand.

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

But viewers actually think Ingrid's chemistry lies with Z (played by Desmond Chiam), whose family business Min Enterprises is an acquisition target of the firm's client SunCorp.

As one put it, "Z and Ingrid would be the real enemies to lovers serve." Someone else said, "Everyone watching #PartnerTrack and coming out of it deciding Z and Ingrid should be the real show. We love to see it."

Others put, "I’m watching Partner Track and I’m seriously shipping Z with Ingrid. Less than 10 minutes scree time and he is more interesting than her two love interests. Netflix has no vision. #PartnerTrack"

Hey, maybe that's the perfect Partner Track season two storyline.

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