OMG! Anne Hathaway brings back her super short boy-like pixie haircut

Hot take: Anne Hathaway's most iconic haircut came about circa 2012 for her Oscar-winning performance as Fantine in Les Misérables. Aka, she chopped her long brunette locks off in favour of an extra short pixie haircut – and at the time, the crowd (read: us) certainly went wild. Now, just over a decade later, she's reminiscing on such a time with a similar cut and style for her latest editorial shoot. Snip, snip.

For the May 2024 issue of V Magazine China, Anne underwent a number of major beauty transformations. From XXL humidity hair to archless fox brows, the star looks pretty unrecognisable in most pics. However, our favourite and one that has us reminiscing back to the early 10s is the pixie haircut Anne shares with her BTS Instagram post.

Scroll through to the fifth slide in the carousel post below to see all that we're referring to:

The blunt, wet, grown-out boy-like bowl cut (which, as we know from the varying looks, is a wig) is giving androgeny and ofc, we're so here for it. After all, beauty is all about experimentation, pushing the boundaries and challenging stereotypes!

The magazine brand also shared an insight into the star's interview with Derek Blasberg alongside a vintage shot video.

"At 41, V CHINA cover star @annehathaway has been in more than 50 films ranging from low-budget indies to major motion pictures. She’s been nominated for every performance award in existence, won an Oscar (for 2012’s Les Miserables), and even hosted the Oscars in 2011 (“badly,” she tells @derekblasberg)," they shared.

"But with “The Idea of You”, Anne seems to be more excited than ever to tell stories she finds exhilarating. “I loved getting to play a character who has to come up against what the world thinks about her, how they’ve judged her and decides to choose her own happiness.”"

With that, I guess you can say that no matter the haircut or style, Anne is one to channel just about any character. Her talent knows no bounds.

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