Nur Fazura to create quality dramas through new production company
19 Apr - She's an established actress and a successful entrepreneur, and now Nur Fazura is taking the next step - becoming a producer.
The actress recently revealed that she has established her own production company called Fazura Pictures, where she hopes to create more projects that will cater more to what she wants.
"It's not like I haven't received any acting offers, but none of them to my taste. Most of the storylines are about homewreckers, women fighting over one man, and it's boring," she said.
Fazura stated that she would like to produce a good quality drama and play roles that empower women instead.
"We have made lots of plans. But the project we will produce must be beneficial to the people because there are just too many ridiculous shows on TV now," she said.
At the same time, she also hopes to direct her own drama in the future, though Fazura stressed that she still has a lot to learn.
(Photo Source: Nur Fazura IG)