Nintendo and Sony Are Teaming Up for a Live Action 'Legend of Zelda' Movie

In a recent press release to Nintendo investors, news of a Legend of Zelda live-action film is set to be in progress. Produced by Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto and Avi Arad, the current chairman of Arad Productions and former founder and CEO of Marvel Studios. In the past, Arad has been credited as a producer on numerous successful films like Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Into the Spider-Verse, No Way Home, Far From Home, and Homecoming. He is also currently working films like Kraven the Hunter and the Borderland movie.

Wes Ball, who directed The Maze Runner is expected to helm the Legend of Zelda project with Sony Pictures Entertainment co-financing and handling the theatrical distribution of the movie. Earlier this year, there were rumors of a live-action film but with Universal tied to the project. A Netflix series was also canceled due to a leak on the internet.

It is currently unclear which Zelda story the film will explore. No further update has been provided besides the news release that the live-action film is currently in development.

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