Teaser video for Lee Jin Ah & Park Jin Young's 'Road To The Airport' becoming a hot issue

Teaser video for Lee Jin Ah & Park Jin Young's 'Road To The Airport' becoming a hot issue

Teaser video for Lee Jin Ah and Park Jin Young's 'Road To The Airport' is becoming a hot issue.

On August 25th, teaser video for Park Jin Young and Lee Jin Ah's 'Road To The Airport' was released through Naver TV Cast.

The teaser video shows Park Jin Young and Lee Jin Ah having a conversation in a car, and playing piano together on a green field.

Park Jin Young says to Lee Jin Ah, "Don't get too excited. We are not here to travel. We are here to get motivated," and Lee Jin Ah replies, "But, can't we go to the airport? Take a flight to Jejudo, perhaps?"

Meanwhile, 'Road To The Airport' will be officially released on September 1st.

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