Raymond Lam's father not happy

4 Feb – Rumour has it that Raymond Lam's wealthy old man, Lam Kwok Wah, is not happy with his son's continuous spending for his rumoured girlfriend, Karena Ng.

As reported on Popular Asians, rumours are rife that the real-estate developer is doubtful about his son's new relationship with the 19 year-old Karena, as he suspects that she is out for his money.

Raymond's father was wary of Karena Ng's romantic past, as the actress has reportedly cohabitated with Ellen Wong's son, Derek Lim, and was also romantically linked to textile entrepreneur Lam Kin Ming's son, among other wealthy elite men.

An insider revealed, "Raymond's father realized that Karena has had many negative rumours despite her young age. She comes from a modest family and her academic achievements were also average. When Raymond's father saw that his son was taking care of Karena's entire family not long after dating, Mr. Lam was certain on what was truly happening."

The source added, "Since Raymond realised his father had complaints, he has not yet arranged to have his girlfriend meet him."

Last month, the paparazzi reported that Karena Ng has been living in a luxury apartment at the mid-level sections in Hong Kong. Speculating that the actress may not be able to afford the HKD 80,000 rent, rumours started to spread that Raymond has been living with her to pay half the cost.

Although Raymond has since denied the allegations, tabloids discovered that not only has Karena upgraded to luxurious living conditions, her father, Mr. Ng, who works at a roast pork stall, has moved from his previous Shatin residence to take up a 2,000 square feet apartment one block away, with a monthly rent of HKD 90,000 – a monthly cost that seemed irrational for the actress to bear.